Classes | Functions | Variables
Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv Namespace Reference

Baryon sequential sources. More...


struct  SpinMatTsp_t
 The T and Spin struct. More...
struct  Params
 Simple baryon sequential source parameters. More...
class  BarNuclUTCg5
 Nucleon-Nucleon U piece with general projector and Cg5. More...
class  BarNuclDTCg5
 Nucleon-Nucleon D piece with general projector and Cg5. More...
class  BarDeltaUTsp
 Delta+ - Delta+ U piece with general projector and spin matrix. More...
class  BarDeltaDTsp
 Delta+ - Delta+ D piece with general projector and spin matrix. More...


multi1d< Hadron2PtContraction_t > operator() (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u)
 check2Args ("BarNuclTCg5", quark_propagators)
return projectBaryon (src_prop_tmp, forward_headers)
bool registerAll ()
 Register all the factories. More...


multi1d< ForwardProp_t > & forward_headers
multi1d< LatticePropagator > & quark_propagators
LatticePropagator src_prop_tmp = T * di_quark
LatticePropagator q1_tmp = quark_propagators[0] * Cg5
LatticePropagator q2_tmp = Cg5 * quark_propagators[1]
LatticePropagator di_quark = quarkContract24(q1_tmp, q2_tmp)
LatticeColorMatrix col_mat

Detailed Description

Baryon sequential sources.

Name and registration.

Function Documentation

◆ check2Args()

Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::check2Args ( "BarNuclTCg5"  ,


Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::END_CODE ( )

◆ operator()()

multi1d<Hadron2PtContraction_t> Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::operator() ( const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &  u)

◆ projectBaryon()

return Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::projectBaryon ( src_prop_tmp  ,

◆ registerAll()

bool Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::registerAll ( )

Register all the factories.

Register needed stuff

Register all the factories

Register needed stuff

Register all the factories

Register needed stuff

Register all the factories

Definition at line 822 of file

References Chroma::SingletonHolder< T, CreationPolicy, LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel >::Instance(), Chroma::BaryonSpinMatrixEnv::registerAll(), and Chroma::AsqtadFermActEnv::registered.

Referenced by Chroma::HadronSeqSourceEnv::registerAll().

Variable Documentation

◆ col_mat

LatticeColorMatrix Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::col_mat

◆ di_quark

Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::di_quark = quarkContract24(q1_tmp, q2_tmp)

◆ forward_headers

multi1d<ForwardProp_t>& Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::forward_headers

◆ q1_tmp

Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::q1_tmp = quark_propagators[0] * Cg5

◆ q2_tmp

Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::q2_tmp = Cg5 * quark_propagators[1]

◆ quark_propagators

multi1d<LatticePropagator>& Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::quark_propagators

◆ src_prop_tmp

Chroma::SimpleBaryonSeqSourceEnv::src_prop_tmp = T * di_quark