Classes | Namespaces
objfactory.h File Reference

Factory class for objects from XML input. More...

#include "chromabase.h"
#include "typeinfo.h"
#include "typelist.h"
#include <map>
#include <exception>

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struct  Chroma::DefaultFactoryError< IdentifierType, AbstractProduct >
struct  Chroma::DefaultFactoryError< IdentifierType, AbstractProduct >::Exception
struct  Chroma::StringFactoryError< IdentifierType, AbstractProduct >
struct  Chroma::NullFactoryError< IdentifierType, AbstractProduct >
class  Chroma::ObjectFactory< AbstractProduct, IdentifierType, TList, ProductCreator, FactoryErrorPolicy >
 Object factory class. More...


 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.

Detailed Description

Factory class for objects from XML input.

Definition in file objfactory.h.