lib Directory Reference


directory  actions
directory  gtest
directory  init
directory  io
directory  meas
directory  update
directory  util


file  boundcond.h [code]
 Base class for all boundary conditions.
file  central_tprec_fermact_w.h [code]
file  central_tprec_linop.h [code]
 Time-preconditioned Linear Operators.
file  chroma.h [code]
 Primary include file for CHROMA in application codes.
file  chroma_config.h [code]
file  chromabase.h [code]
 Primary include file for CHROMA library code.
file  chromainc.h [code]
file  common_declarations.h [code]
file  create_state.h [code]
 Create a connection state.
file  eo3dprec_s_cprec_t_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 ILUPreconditioned spatial Preconditioned Temporal Wilson like fermion action.
file  eo_linop.h [code]
 Linear Operators.
file  eoprec_constdet_linop.h [code]
 Preconditioned 4D Linop with Gauge Independent Even-Even part.
file  eoprec_constdet_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Even-odd const determinant Wilson-like fermact.
file  eoprec_linop.h [code]
 Base class for even-odd preconditioned 4D and 5D Linop.
file  eoprec_logdet_linop.h [code]
 Preconditioned Linear Operators where the Even Even part depends on the gauge field.
file  eoprec_logdet_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Even-odd const determinant Wilson-like fermact.
file  eoprec_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Even-odd preconditioned Wilson-like fermion actions.
file  fermact.h [code]
 Class structure for fermion actions.
file  fermact.orig.h [code]
 Class structure for fermion actions.
file  fermbc.h [code]
 Fermion action boundary conditions.
file  funcmap.h [code]
 Map of function calls.
file  gaugeact.h [code]
 Class structure for gauge actions.
file  gaugebc.h [code]
 Gauge boundary conditions.
file  handle.h [code]
 Class for counted reference semantics.
file  iluprec_s_cprec_t_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 ILUPreconditioned spatial Preconditioned Temporal Wilson like fermion action.
file  ldag.h [code]
 M^dag composition of a linear operator.
file  lib.h [code]
 Chroma Lattice Field Theory library.
file  linearop.h [code]
 Linear Operators.
file  lmdagm.h [code]
 M^dag*M composition of a linear operator.
file  named_obj.h [code]
 Named object support.
file  objfactory.h [code]
 Factory class for objects from XML input.
file  objfunctor.h [code]
 Generic functor class.
file  polylinop.h [code]
 Polynomial Linear Operators.
file  primitives.h [code]
file  qphix_singleton.h [code]
 Fermion action factories.
file  seoprec_constdet_linop.h [code]
 Preconditioned 4D Linop with Gauge Independent Even-Even part.
file  seoprec_constdet_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Symmetric even-odd const determinant Wilson-like fermact.
file  seoprec_linop.h [code]
 Base class for symmetric even-odd preconditioned 4D and 5D Linop.
file  seoprec_logdet_linop.h [code]
 Symmetric preconditioned linear pperators where the even-even and odd-odd parts depends on the gauge field.
file  seoprec_logdet_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Symmetric even-odd const determinant Wilson-like fermact.
file  seoprec_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Symmetric even-odd preconditioned Wilson-like fermion actions.
file  singleton.h [code]
 Singleton support.
file  stagtype_fermact_s.h [code]
 Staggered-like fermion actions.
file  state.h [code]
 Support class for fermion actions and linear operators.
file  syssolver.h [code]
 Linear system solvers.
file  teoprec_linop.h [code]
 Even-odd Time-preconditioned Linear Operators.
file  teoprec_logdet_linop.h [code]
 Time-preconditioned Linear Operators.
file  tprec_linop.h [code]
 Time-preconditioned Linear Operators.
file  tprec_logdet_linop.h [code]
 Time-preconditioned Linear Operators.
file  typeinfo.h [code]
 Type info support.
file  typelist.h [code]
 Typelist support.
file  typemanip.h [code]
 Type manipulator support.
file  typetraits.h [code]
 Type traits support.
file  unprec_s_cprec_t_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Unpreconditioned spatial Preconditioned Temporal Wilson like fermion action.
file  unprec_wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Wilson-like fermion actions.
file  wilstype_fermact_w.h [code]
 Wilson-like fermion actions.
file  wilstype_polyfermact_w.h [code]
 Class structure for polynomial fermion actions.