Classes | Namespaces
qprop_io.h File Reference

Routines associated with Chroma propagator IO. More...

#include "io/xml_group_reader.h"
#include "io/enum_io/enum_qdpvolfmt_io.h"
#include "io/enum_io/enum_quarkspintype_io.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Chroma::PropSourceConst_t
 Propagator source construction parameters. More...
struct  Chroma::PropSourceSmear_t
 Source-smearing parameters. More...
struct  Chroma::PropSinkSmear_t
 Sink-smearing parameters. More...
struct  Chroma::ChromaMultiProp_t
 Multi-propagator parameters. More...
struct  Chroma::ChromaProp_t
 Propagator parameters. More...
struct  Chroma::SeqSource_t
 Sequential source parameters. More...
struct  Chroma::MakeSourceProp_t
 Mega structure holding a propagator source. More...
struct  Chroma::Propagator_t
 Mega structure holding a full forward prop (not sink smeared) More...
struct  Chroma::ForwardProp_t
 Mega structure holding a full forward sink-smeared prop. More...
struct  Chroma::SequentialSource_t
 Mega structure holding a full sequential source. More...
struct  Chroma::SequentialProp_t
 Mega structure holding a full sequential prop. More...
struct  Chroma::SeqPropSourceSmeared_t
 Mega structure holding a full sequential prop that is source smeared. More...
struct  Chroma::QQQSpinIndices_t
 Hold source and sink spin indices for a sparse QQQ file. More...
struct  Chroma::QQDiquark_t
 Mega structure holding QQ diquark object. More...
struct  Chroma::QQQBarcomp_t
 Mega structure holding QQQ props. More...
struct  Chroma::QQbarMescomp_t
 Mega structure holding QQbar props. More...


 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.


Real Chroma::getMass (const GroupXML_t &fermact)
 Given a fermion action in std::string form, return the Mass. More...
multi1d< int > Chroma::getFermActBoundary (const GroupXML_t &fermact)
 Given a fermion action in std::string form, return the boundary. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, PropSourceConst_t &header)
 Propagator source read. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const PropSourceConst_t &header)
 Propagator source writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, PropSourceSmear_t &header)
 Propagator source smearing read. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const PropSourceSmear_t &header)
 Propagator source smearing writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, PropSinkSmear_t &header)
 Propagator sink reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const PropSinkSmear_t &header)
 Propagator sink writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ChromaProp_t &header)
 Propagator header read. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ChromaMultiProp_t &header)
 Multi Propagator header read. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ChromaProp_t &header)
 Propagator header writer. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ChromaMultiProp_t &header)
 Propagator header writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SeqSource_t &param)
 SeqSource header reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SeqSource_t &param)
 SeqSource header writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, MakeSourceProp_t &header)
 MakeSourceProp reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const MakeSourceProp_t &header)
 MakeSourceProp writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, Propagator_t &header)
 Propagator_t reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const Propagator_t &header)
 Propagator_t writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, ForwardProp_t &header)
 ForwardProp reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const ForwardProp_t &header)
 ForwardProp writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SequentialSource_t &header)
 SequentialSource reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SequentialSource_t &param)
 SequentialSource header writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, SequentialProp_t &header)
 SequentialProp reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const SequentialProp_t &param)
 SequentialProp header writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, QQQSpinIndices_t &input)
 Source/sink spin indices. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const QQQSpinIndices_t &input)
 Source/sink spin indices. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, QQDiquark_t &param)
 QQDiquark header reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const QQDiquark_t &param)
 QQDiquark header writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, QQQBarcomp_t &param)
 QQQBarcomp header reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const QQQBarcomp_t &param)
 QQQBarcomp header writer. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, QQbarMescomp_t &param)
 QQbarMescomp header reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const QQbarMescomp_t &param)
 QQbarMescomp header writer. More...
void Chroma::writeQprop (XMLBufferWriter &file_xml, XMLBufferWriter &record_xml, const LatticePropagator &quark_prop, const std::string &file, QDP_volfmt_t volfmt, QDP_serialparallel_t serpar)
 Write a Chroma propagator. More...
void Chroma::readQprop (XMLReader &file_xml, XMLReader &record_xml, LatticePropagator &quark_prop, const std::string &file, QDP_serialparallel_t serpar)
 Read a Chroma propagator. More...
void Chroma::writeFermion (XMLBufferWriter &file_xml, XMLBufferWriter &record_xml, const LatticeFermion &fermion, const std::string &file, QDP_volfmt_t volfmt, QDP_serialparallel_t serpar)
void Chroma::readFermion (XMLReader &file_xml, XMLReader &record_xml, LatticeFermion &fermion, const std::string &file, QDP_serialparallel_t serpar)

Detailed Description

Routines associated with Chroma propagator IO.

Definition in file qprop_io.h.