Classes | Namespaces | Functions
stout_fermstate_w.h File Reference

Stout field state for stout links and a creator. More...

#include "state.h"
#include "create_state.h"
#include "actions/ferm/fermstates/stout_fermstate_params.h"
#include "util/gauge/stout_utils.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Chroma::StoutFermState< T, P, Q >
 Stout field state. More...
class  Chroma::CreateStoutFermState< T, P, Q >
 Create a stout ferm connection state. More...
class  Chroma::SLICFermState< T, P, Q >
 SLIC (Stout Link Irrelevant Clover ferm connection state. More...
class  Chroma::CreateSLICFermState< T, P, Q >
 Create a SLIC ferm connection state. More...


 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.


bool Chroma::CreateStoutFermStateEnv::registerAll ()
 Register all the factories. More...
bool Chroma::CreateSLICFermStateEnv::registerAll ()
 Register all the factories. More...

Detailed Description

Stout field state for stout links and a creator.

Holds gauge fields at various smearing levels and caches some auxiliary things

Definition in file stout_fermstate_w.h.