Namespaces | Typedefs
syssolver_mdagm_factory.h File Reference

Factory for producing system solvers for MdagM*psi = chi. More...

#include "chromabase.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "singleton.h"
#include "objfactory.h"
#include "linearop.h"
#include "typelist.h"
#include "actions/ferm/invert/syssolver_mdagm.h"

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 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.


typedef Handle< FermState< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > > Chroma::FactoryEnv::FSHandle
typedef Handle< FermState< LatticeFermionF, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixF > > > Chroma::FactoryEnv::FSHandleF
typedef Handle< FermState< LatticeFermionD, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixD >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrixD > > > Chroma::FactoryEnv::FSHandleD
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_4(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandle, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeFermion > >), MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandle, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeFermion > >), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheMdagMFermSystemSolverFactory
 MdagM system solver factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeFermionF >, std::string, TYPELIST_4(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandleF, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeFermionF > >), MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeFermionF > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandleF, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeFermionF > >), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheMdagMFermFSystemSolverFactory
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeFermionD >, std::string, TYPELIST_4(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandleD, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeFermionD > >), MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeFermionD > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandleD, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeFermionD > >), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheMdagMFermDSystemSolverFactory
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< MdagMSystemSolverArray< LatticeFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_4(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandle, Handle< LinearOperatorArray< LatticeFermion > >), MdagMSystemSolverArray< LatticeFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, FactoryEnv::FSHandle, Handle< LinearOperatorArray< LatticeFermion > >), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheMdagMFermSystemSolverArrayFactory
 MdagM system solver factory (foundry) More...
typedef SingletonHolder< ObjectFactory< MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeStaggeredFermion >, std::string, TYPELIST_3(XMLReader &, const std::string &, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeStaggeredFermion > >), MdagMSystemSolver< LatticeStaggeredFermion > *(*)(XMLReader &, const std::string &, Handle< LinearOperator< LatticeStaggeredFermion > >), StringFactoryError > > Chroma::TheMdagMStagFermSystemSolverFactory
 MdagM system solver factory (foundry) More...

Detailed Description

Factory for producing system solvers for MdagM*psi = chi.

Definition in file syssolver_mdagm_factory.h.