Classes | Namespaces | Functions
syssolver_mdagm_qop_mg_w.h File Reference

Make contact with the QDP clover multigrid solver, transfer the gauge field, generate the coarse grids, solve systems. More...

#include "chroma_config.h"
#include "handle.h"
#include "syssolver.h"
#include "linearop.h"
#include "actions/ferm/invert/syssolver_linop.h"
#include "actions/ferm/invert/syssolver_mdagm.h"
#include "actions/ferm/invert/qop_mg/syssolver_qop_mg_params.h"
#include "actions/ferm/invert/qop_mg/syssolver_linop_qop_mg_w.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Chroma::MdagMSysSolverQOPMG
 Solve a M*psi=chi linear system using the external QDP multigrid inverter. More...


 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
 Solve the linear system.


bool Chroma::MdagMSysSolverQOPMGEnv::registerAll ()
 Register all the factories. More...

Detailed Description

Make contact with the QDP clover multigrid solver, transfer the gauge field, generate the coarse grids, solve systems.

Definition in file syssolver_mdagm_qop_mg_w.h.