22 namespace UnprecDWFermActArrayEnv
26 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
37 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
38 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >*
createFermAct(XMLReader& xml_in,
69 XMLReader paramtop(xml, path);
76 if (paramtop.count(
"a5") != 0)
82 if (paramtop.count(
"AnisoParam") != 0)
98 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
99 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >*
101 const Real& m_q)
111 const LatticePropagator& q_src,
Primary include file for CHROMA library code.
virtual SystemSolverArray< T > * qpropT(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state, const GroupXML_t &invParam) const
Return quark prop solver, solution of unpreconditioned system.
Support class for fermion actions and linear operators.
Base class for quadratic matter actions (e.g., fermions)
Class for counted reference semantics.
Unpreconditioned domain-wall fermion action.
Real getQuarkMass() const
Return the quark mass.
void quarkProp(LatticePropagator &q_sol, XMLWriter &xml_out, const LatticePropagator &q_src, int t_src, int j_decay, Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state, const GroupXML_t &invParam, QuarkSpinType quarkSpinType, bool obsvP, int &ncg_had) const
Given a complete propagator as a source, this does all the inversions needed.
UnprecDWLikeLinOpBaseArray< T, P, Q > * unprecLinOp(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state, const Real &m_q) const
Produce an unpreconditioned linear operator for this action with arbitrary quark mass.
UnprecDWFermActArrayParams param
SystemSolver< LatticeFermion > * qprop(Handle< FermState< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > > state, const GroupXML_t &invParam) const
Define quark propagator routine for 4D fermions.
Unpreconditioned domain-wall Dirac operator.
Unpreconditioned domain-wall Dirac operator.
Wilson-like fermion actions.
Full quark propagator solver for domain wall fermions.
All ferm create-state method.
Fermion action factories.
void read(XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, AsqtadFermActParams ¶m)
Read parameters.
Quark spin type.
void dwf_quarkProp4(LatticePropagator &q_sol, XMLWriter &xml_out, const LatticePropagator &q_src, int t_src, int j_decay, Handle< SystemSolverArray< LatticeFermion > > qpropT, Handle< FermState< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > > state, const Real &m_q, int &ncg_had)
Given a complete propagator as a source, this does all the inversions needed.
void quarkProp4(LatticeStaggeredPropagator &q_sol, XMLWriter &xml_out, const LatticeStaggeredPropagator &q_src, const StaggeredTypeFermAct< LatticeStaggeredFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > &S_f, Handle< FermState< LatticeStaggeredFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > > state, const GroupXML_t &invParam, QuarkSpinType quarkSpinType, int &ncg_had)
Given a complete propagator as a source, this does all the inversions needed.
Handle< CreateFermState< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > > reader(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Helper function for the CreateFermState readers.
bool registerAll()
Register all the factories.
const std::string name
Name to be used.
FermionAction< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > * createFermAct(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Callback function.
WilsonTypeFermAct5D< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > * createFermAct5D(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Callback function.
static bool registered
Local registration flag.
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
const WilsonTypeFermAct< multi1d< LatticeFermion > > Handle< const ConnectState > state
Full quark propagator solver.
Hold group xml and type id.
Unpreconditioned domain-wall fermion action.
Unpreconditioned domain-wall fermion linear operator.