Namespaces | Functions File Reference

3d Laplacian solution on color std::vector More...

#include "chromabase.h"
#include "meas/smear/wupp_smear.h"
#include "util/ft/sftmom.h"

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 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.


template<typename T >
void Chroma::gausSmear (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, T &chi, const Real &width, int ItrGaus, int j_decay)
 Do a covariant Gaussian smearing of a lattice field. More...
void Chroma::gausSmear (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, LatticeColorVector &chi, const Real &width, int ItrGaus, int j_decay)
 Do a covariant Gaussian smearing of a lattice color std::vector field. More...
void Chroma::wuppSmear (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, LatticeColorVector &chi, const Real &mass_sq, int ItrMax, int j_decay, const Real &RsdCG)
 Do a covariant Wuppertal smearing of a color std::vector field. More...

Detailed Description

3d Laplacian solution on color std::vector

Definition in file