Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Spring 2002
MWF 10, 4-231


 Class Information


 Problem Sets


 Extra Problems

 Useful Links


last update 05/23/02
Professor Paul E. Laibinis
Room 66-413; 253-4975; pel@mit.edu
     Dr. William H. Dalzell
Room 66-450; 253-5273; wdalzell@mit.edu

Instructor G:
Yonathan Thio
Room 66-357; 253-6478; thio@mit.edu
    Teaching Assistant:
Pemakorn Pitukmanorom
Room 66-565; 253-6448; pemakorn@mit.edu
Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10-11AM, 4-231
Recitations: Section 1: Monday, 11 AM - noon, 66-160
Section 2: Monday, noon - 1 PM, 66-160
Textbook: J.M. Smith, H.C. VanNess and M.M. Abbott, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 6th Editions, McGraw-Hill
Reference: Silbey & Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 3rd Editions, Wiley
Hourly Tests: Three open-book, open-notes tests will be given during the semester:
        Exam 1: Friday, March 8
        Exam 2: Friday, April 5
        Exam 3: Friday, May 3
Conflicts due to athletics or other vents should be noted by e-mail to Professor Laibinis before the time of a test.
Final Exam: There will be a final, given during the final exam period. The exact time and location will be announced as soon as they are available.
Homeworks: Roughly ten problem sets will be given out during the term. They will be due on Wednesdays during the lecture period. Late homework will not be accepted. Discussions with other students about the homework is allowed, but submitted solutions should individually be prepared.
Grades: Each exam represents 20% of your total grade, with another 30% being based on the final. The remaining 10% will represent your performance on the homework. Please note that solving the problem sets is actually more important than implied by their direct weighting in the overall course grade. It is rare that a student performs well in exams without having invested serious effort in working the problems.