Fall 2000
Final Problem and
Spring 2001
Practice Exam 1,
Partial Solution
Practice Exam 2
PS1, solution
- Kinetic and Potential Energy, Work, Heat, Isothermal Compression
PS2, solution
- P-V diagrams, Isobaric Expansion, 1st Law for Closed Systems, Enthalpy Change
for constant P Processes
PS3, solution
- P-T diagrams, Saturation (vapor pressure), Antoine's Equation
PS4, solution
- Non-Ideal Gas Behavior, Virial EOS, Compressibility
PS5, solution
- Non-Ideal Gas Behavior, Lee/Kessler Generalized Correlations, Cubic EOS
PS6, solution
- Heat Capacity and Temperature, Heat Interactions, Average Heat Capacity for
PS7, solution
- Non-Ideal Gass Behavior, Residual Properties, Lee/Kessler Generalized Correlations,
lnP vs. H Diagrams
PS8, solution
- lnP vs. H diagram, Tables of Thermodynamics Data, Saturation (Vapor Pressure),
Theory of Corresponding States, Steam Tables
PS9, solution
- Material Balances
PS10, solution
- Material Balances
PS11, solution
- Material and Energy Balances
PS12, solution
- Refrigeration Cycle
PS13, solution
- Energy Balance
PS14, solution
- Carnot Cycle, Reversible Cycles
PS15, solution
- Material and Energy Balance (not Steady State)
PS16, solution
- Availability / Lost Work
PS17, solution
- Compressor/Turbine, Steam Table, Lost Work
PS18, solution
- Partial Molar Property, V-x diagram
PS19, solution
- Excess Property
PS20, solution
PS21, solution - Pxy diagram
PS22, solution
- Flash calculation, Material Balance + Phase Equilibrium
PS23, solution
- Solution Model from Pxy Data
PS24, solution
- Bubble Point, Dew Point, Azeotrope
PS25, solution
- Colligative Property, Freezing Point Depression
PS26, solution
PS27, solution
PS1, solution
- Heat Capacity, Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium, Cubic EOS, Expansion Work of a Non-Ideal
PS2, solution
- Residual Properties, Generalized Correlations, Reduced Properties, Thermodynamic
Properties and Partial Derivatives
PS3, solution
- Mass Balance (steady state, no reaction)
PS4, solution
- Mass Balance (with reaction), Energy Balance
PS5, solution
- Energy Balance
PS6, solution
- 2nd Law, Coefficient of Performance, Availability, Maximum Work
PS7, solution
- Chemical Potential, Isothermal Compression, Antoine's Equation, Raoult's Law
PS8, solution
- Mass and Energy Balance, Lewis/Randall Rule, Raoult's Law, Poynting Correction
PS9, solution
- Partial Molar Properties, Gibbs-Duhem, Antoine's Equation, Activity Coefficient,
Modified Raoult's
PS10, solution
- Reaction Equilibrium, Independant Reactions, Energy Balance
PS1, solution
- Equations of State, P-V Diagrams, Compression Work, Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium
PS2, solution
- Heat of Vaporization, Non-Ideal Gas, Steam Tables, Generalized Correlations
PS3, solution
- Mass Balances
PS4, solution
- Energy Balances, Binary VLE, Bubble and Dew Point Calculations
PS5, solution
- Energy Balances, lnP vs. H Diagrams
PS6, solution
PS7, solution
- Binary VLE, T-x and T-y Diagrams, Raoult's Law, Bubble and Dew Point Calculations
PS8, solution
- Fugacity, Excess Gibbs Free Energy, Generalized Correlations, Binary VLE
PS9, solution
- Models for Excess Gibbs Free Energy, Azeotropes, Antoine's Equation, Henry's
Law, Vapor Pressure, P-x and P-y Diagrams
Old Exams
1999 Exam 1, solution
- Non-ideal EOS, Work Calculation, Extensive and Intensive Volume, PV Diagram
1999 Exam 3, solution
- Material & Energy Balance, Ideal Work, Excess Property, Phase Equilibrium
1999 Exam 4, solution
- Phase Equilibrium
1995 Exam 1, solution
- Thermodynamic tables and diagrams, Saturated vapor and liquid, Cp(T), S and
H calculations, Ideal and Non-ideal gases, Expansion, Virial EOS, PV diagrams
1995 Exam 2, solution
- Turbine expansion, Non-ideal gases, Steam tables, Actual and maximum work,
Open system material and energy balances
1995 Exam 3, solution
- Binary VLE, Vapor pressure, Saturdated vapor and liquid, Solid-vapor equilibrium,
Fugacity, Virial EOS, Activity coefficient, Heat of mixing
1994 Exam 1, solution
- Cp(T), Virial EOS, H and S calculations, Saturation and Vaporization, Mollier
Diagram, Expansions, Non-ideal gas behavior
1994 Exam 2, solution
- Energy balances, ln(P)-H diagrams, Minimum Work
1994 Exam 3, solution
- Change in entropy for mixing, Lost Work, Vapor Pressure, Binary VLE, Dew and
bubble points