>MIT 10.555: bioinformatics_methods|principles|applications

>spring 2003

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>Gregory Stephanopoulos

Prof. Gregory Stephanopoulos (PhD, U. of Minnesota, 1978, Asst. and Assoc. Professor, Caltech 1978-85) is Bayer Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at MIT and the instructor of charge for the course. Among his broader interests in biotechnology and biochemical and metabolic engineering, Prof. Stephanopoulos initiated at MIT in 1990 an effort on the mining of bioprocess and biological data using methods from decision trees, wavelet analysis, projection and clustering theories and neural networks. This research culminated with the dbminer suite of software tools in 1994 that has been applied extensively in pattern discovery and data mining of various fields including genomic and expression data. His research group is applying the above and other modern tools in the mining of expression sequence and activity data to elucidate the physiology of microbial and mammalian cells and facilitate applications in metabolic engineering. In the context of physiology and functional genomics, Professor Stephanopoulos has advanced the concept of metabolic flux as a fundamental determinant of cell physiology and developed methods using stable isotopes for the high resolution and accurate flux determination. His group is currently active in a number of bioinformatics, functional genomics and metabolic engineering activities involving both computational and experimental methods. Professor Stephanopoulos has supervised 4 theses and is currently supervising 6 PhD students in bioinformatics and functional genomics. His work has appeared in more than 200 publications and 4 books (co-authored or co-edited) and 12 patents. He will co-chair the 2003 Gordon conference on Bioinformatics, Oxford, UK.

>Isidore Rigoutsos

Dr. Isidore Rigoutsos (PhD, New York University, 1992) is the manager of the Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery group at the Computational Biology Center of IBM Research. Currently he is also a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His work primarily revolves around the use of his recently developed Teiresias algorithm (a combinatorial algorithm for carrying out unsupervised pattern and association discovery) as a tool for tackling a number of interesting problems from computational biology including: motif discovery in biological sequences; multiple sequence alignment; the analysis of gene expression data; the functional and structural annotation of amino acid sequences; the characterization and prediction of local 3D structure directly from sequence data; the discovery of genes in prokaryotic organisms, etc. Currently, a large part of his time is devoted on the automated annotation of complete microbial genomes, the study of non-canonical elements in trans-membrane helices, and the study and analysis of the human cytomegalovirus (HHV5), and of the Kaposi sarcoma virus (HHV8). In recent years, he has served in the Program Committees of ACM SIGKDD/BIKODD '01, RECOMB '01, RECOMB '02, ISMB '02, and he is a Keynote Speaker ISMB '02.

>Faisal Reza

  • email: faisal@mit.edu
  • office: mit room 66.264
  • tel: 617.253.6521
  • personal page

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