Course Description (Spring 2017)
This class uses lab exercises and a workshop setting to
help students develop a solid understanding of the
planning and public management uses of geographic
information systems (GIS). The goals are to help students:
- Acquire
technical skills in the use of GIS software.
- Acquire
qualitative methods skills in data and document
gathering, analyzing information, and presenting
- Investigate the potential and practicality
of GIS technologies in a typical planning setting
and evaluate possible applications.
The workshop teaches GIS techniques, introductory spatial
analysis, and basic database management. The content of
the first half-semester (11.205) meets the 'spaital
analysis' requirement for the MCP degree and includes a
bit more database management (using MS-Access) than is
covered in the Fall version of 11.205. The second half of
the semester (11.520) includes additional work with model
building tools (Model Builder), and web mapping (CartoDB)
plus a small, individual project that exercises the
concepts and tools learned earlier in the semester. The
undergraduat subject number, 11.188, covers the full
semester and satisfies the Institute laboratory
requirement for undergraduates.
We try to teach GIS methods and techniques with some
attention to open-ended planning questions that invite
spatial analysis but will:
- Require judgment
and exploration to select relevant data and mapping
- Involve mixing
and matching new, local data with extracts from
official records (such as census data, parcel data
and regional employment and population forecasts),
- Utilize spatial
analysis techniques such as buffering, address
matching, and spatial overlays
- Use other
modeling and visualization techniques beyond
thematic mapping, and
- Raise questions about the skills, strategy,
and organizational support needed to sustain such
analytic capability within a variety of local and
regional planning settings.
Class Meetings
- Lecture: Wednesday, 2:30-4:00 PM in the City
Arena (Room 9-255)
- Lab Preparation & Lab: Monday, 2:30-5:00
in Room W31-301
[Hearing the Lab prep presentation at 2:30 and
starting the exercise are the key lab parts.
Students can leave for other classes beginning at
3:30 or 4 and finish the exercises later on their
- Additional lab times: Friday, 1:00-3:00 in
9-554 (the fifth floor computing lab) - other lab
times will be arranged if needed
Last modified on 5 Feb. 2017 by [jf]
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