Summary of Project Information (Spring 2017)
Preliminary Project Proposal
(Due Monday, April 11, 2017)
Upload to Stellar a one or two paragraph project
proposal. You need not have a fully formulated project. At
this point, we just want you to give us some indication of
your possible areas of interest so we can help you zero in
on specific questions and datasets that will make it
manageable. Tell us a general area of interest, one or two
possible questions that you would like to explore, and any
data sets (beyond those we've already used in class) that
you anticipate needing.
Project Title & Abstract
(Due May 8, 2017) Links to project listings from
2013 , from 2014
and from 2016
Upload to Stellar the current draft of your final project
title & brief abstract by the end of lab on Monday,
May 8. The abstract should be brief, 1 paragraph -
maximum of 1/2 page - and drawn from the earlier project
proposal (or subsequent revisions). In this case, the
abstract should briefly state the question/problem, the
methodology (that is, the data you used and the methods
such as thematic maps, buffer/overlay, etc. that you used
to explore the question/problem), and some hint of the
general results/conclusion (which will not yet be
Project Presentation
See the Schedule with
Title/Abstract Listing Monday, May 15th and Wednesday,
May 17, from 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Seven minutes MAXIMUM!
Use the Web or PowerPoint or Acrobat Reader for visual
aids. The presentation (as a PDF, webpage, or Powerpoint,
etc.) should include the talk outline, tables and maps (as
JPEGs or PNGs), your results/conclusion outline, and a
brief indication of any surprises, problems, newly-learned
techniques. Due to strict time constraints, presentations
should be planned for 7 minutes and will be cut off after
8 minutes; it will be timed. This will allow time to show
only a few maps and tables, and a handful of bullet
points. Be concise!
Project Writeup
The project writeup should track the presentation with at
most 3 pages of text (if single-spaced, 12
point font, on a letter-sized page) in addition to the
maps/graphics. In general, the web page for the
presentation will be more of an outline and the writeup
will fill in a paragraph or two of text for each of the
items in the outline. Turning in a text-expanded copy of
the web page or PowerPoint presentation is okay as long as
the electronic document is adequate as a readable,
standalone report. Electronic submission to Stellar in PDF
or Powerpoint format can save trees and make it easy to
include color. (Ask us, if you prefer to use another
submission format). In addition to your writeup, please
also upload to Stellar the Powerpoint (or PDFs) that you
used for your presentation so we have them available when
we read your write-ups and comment on your presentation.
Project Content and Writeup Deadline
The project is intended to require about as much time as
one of the homework sets. The purpose of the project is to
undertake a small but open-ended project using one or more
of the new technologies that you have learned this
semester. Each project should involve some combination of
the following:
- involve learning new aspects of an application beyond
what we used in class/homework. For example, use more of
ArcGIS to further explore the spatial patterns and
visualization tools.
- involve moving datasets across machines and/or
applications. For example, finding datasets on the web
and then parsing, address-matching, or otherwise linking
them to ArcGIS maps so you can do some spatial analysis.
- address a substantive issue or question that requires
some problem formulation and some open-ended exploration
and analysis.
As explained in the class syllabus, the project writeup
is due on the last day of class (Wednesday, May 11). But,
every year, students request an extension. That's okay as
long as you turn it in by 5 PM on Friday, May 19,
2017, but you will lose 5 points per day (after Friday 5
PM, with the weekend counting as one day). No project
write-ups will be accepted after 12:00 noon on Tuesday,
May 23. We need time to grade them and we don't want this
class to interfere with your preparation for other finals.
If you are unlikely to meet this deadline, you should talk
to us as early as possible about getting an Incomplete for
the class and scheduling post-semester completion.
Tips on Project Presentation and Writeup - by Cherie
Here are powerpoint slides prepared by Cherie Abbanat,
DUSP writing specialist, "Creating
Your 11.188/11.520 Presentation and Report."
Last modified 26 April 2017 by [myc]
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