Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Lab 8: Experimenting with Geospatial Services

This lab is optional

Lab 8 in-class notes


  1. To understand the layering of data, application tools, web mapping interoperability standards, and web service protocols involved in modern internet GIS applications.
  2. To explore various online resources that may be a source of data for your individual project.
  3. To compare alternative strategies for utilizing geospatial services, from spatial data search with GIS download to direct online use.
  4. To examine a few geospatial services "under the covers" in order to understand the nature and purpose of the URL requests and XML responses between the clients and web services.
  5. The lab Assignment involves creating a map in Part III-B and choosing ONE of the four options in Part IV

Overarching issues (when examining online GIS data repositories and web services)

Tips and Tricks

Not all web services and web sites allow you to examine or determine what they are doing behind the scenes. However a significant number, especially those based on open standards, do allow this. Learn to parse URLs yourself (allows you to repurpose sites and services, debug errors)

Basic Rules for URLs and HTTP

1) Transactions are usually "stateless"

All of the information needed for the server to meet client's request is bundled into URL
(Exception: sometimes "cookies" are used to retain the client's 'state' based on a user ID or session ID)

2) Parsing URLs

The general URL format uses this sequence: protocol:[optional port number]://path/to/resource/scriptname?parameters
A question mark separates path/scriptname from parameters list


The ampersand separates parameters and the equals sign sets the assigned value
Spaces are not allowed in URLS, so "+" symbol is substituted
To clarify and inspect, paste a URL into a text editor and substitute line breaks for question marks and ampersands

3) Example - using a standard Web Mapping Service (WMS) such as the MassGIS major road layer that we have been using during the semester:,900000,236500,902500&width=1000&height=300&format=image/png&service=wms&transparent=true


Not self-explanatory, but a step in the right direction.

For those who are interested, the full WMS description can be found here:
OpenGIS Web Map Service (WMS) Implementation Specification


Part I - Exploring Online Mapping Sites

A) Sites Designed Primarily for Online Use

Explore these sites briefly, noting the issues above and last week's lecture notes

EPA's Enviromapper:

EPA's Smart Location Database:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development's EZ/RC Locater:

U.S. Census Bureau LED OnTheMap:


Census Data Mapper:

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

What is the annual average daily traffic volume on Mass. Ave? Information|2007 AADT#

Yes, there is a map on this site that color codes roads based on estimated traffic volume. However, the interface offers limited help capabilities and the right map is hard to find. Do not spend too long hunting for it. Just get a general sense of what the site offers and what you do/do-not like about the site capabilities and user interface.

Other Traffic info sites:

U.S. City Sites

Portland Maps (City of Portland, Oregon)

Cambridge Maps (City of Cambridge, MA)

Cartographic Modeling Lab: Neighborhood Information System (City of Philadelphia, PA)

B) Sites With Data Download Capabilities

The (US) National Map page) (direct link to mapping interface)
USGS-led effort at coherent, cross-agency national map layers


The National Map also provides access to selected international datasets such as the Global 90m Terrain Data that can be downloaded in a non-proprietary file format, SDTS, that most GIS packages will support.
(SDTS = Spatial Data Transfer Standard)

University of Maryland Global Land Cover Facility (overview)

Best place to download free Landsat imagery (warning: huge and unwieldy) and global 1km resolution land cover classification. U.S. Government data policy on Landsat has varied over the years. At the moment, access to ETM+ (enhanced thematic mapper plus) is for cost, but older TM and MSS data are available without charge.

Geospatial OneStop (Portal for Federal GIS data)

Latest version of the Federal Government's effort to provide one-stop-shopping for federal data.

NHGIS: National Historical Geographic Information System

"The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2013."

Social Explorer -

This site provides online maps and downloads of data from the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey.

CERLIS Superfund Database -

This database contains information on all NPL and non-NPL superfund sites in the country. Don’t bother trying to geocode the non-NPL sites as the street data is horrible.

good state agency website for finding and disseminating Massachusetts geospatial data

won URISA ESIG award for web services part

Multiple services available:

online mapping:

downloadable datasets:

web services: (discussed in next section)


We have already mentioned ReferenceUSA in one of our lab assignments. It is a good source of point data for businesses across the country

MIT Libraries - GIS Home page:

We have already mentioned the MIT GeoData Repository supported by the MIT Libraries in collaboration with Harvard and Tufts. In addition to the GeoWeb website, the MIT Libraries also support an add-in tool for ArcMap that facilitate adding data layers in ArcMap.

Stanford Geospatial Center -

A comprehensive listing of GIS resources available on the web.

Part II - Accessing Geospatial Services from web browsers

A) Using APIs

Yahoo Developer tools and APIs:

Check out the 'APIs and Web Services' tools and, in particular, the GeoPlanet tool:

Like many available APIs for geoprocessing and location based services, these are proprietary APIs that may make use of Open Geospatial Consortium protocols for interoperable geospatial services but offer special features that are proprietary and not standardized.

Google APIs:

B) Custom Web User Interfaces backed by web services

United Nations Environment Programme

WMS Services / UMN Mapserver software behind the scenes. Most data at general national levels only, some regional data sets. Lots of drill-down required to navigate the interface and generate specific maps and data tables. A listing of their web services is at:

C) Web Mapping - Leflet JS, TIleMill, Mapbox, CartoDB, etc.

DUSPViz provides a useful introduction to current and emerging web mapping libraries and applications.

Other sources of information that you might find useful include the Lefleat JS documentation, Mapbox, CartoDB, and TileMill.

Part III - Accessing ArcWeb and WMS Services (from ArcMap or ArcExplorer)


A) Finding WMS Services

Web-search approaches:


B) ESRI's ArcGIS Online:

Accessing ArcGIS Online services from ArcMap



Any licensed ArcMap package can utilize ESRI ArcGIS Online services and WMS services as follows:

Accessing ESRI ArcGIS Online services from inside ArcMap

Accessing WMS services from inside ArcMap

Create a PDF-formatted map zoomed in to the Cambridge area showing the school location layer from MassGIS along with the Cambridge local roads and the Mass highway layer that you use in Lab 2. If you were successful in adding ESRI's GIS services, you can add the USA Median Home Value (or NGS_Topo_US_2D) layers from the ArcGIS Online section.

NOTE: this PDF-formatted map is the only result that you need to turn in from parts 1, 2, and 3 of this lab exercise!

Part IV - "Mashups" and APIs

A) General Mapping Web Site (Mostly Commercial Advertising-Supported - all now with APIs)

Google Maps
Note "REST" interface (client side interface actions handled by Javascript, partial page refresh without a "submit" button)

Microsoft Virtual Earth

Note (with free account) ability to sketch, and share simple sketch (with labels but not attributes, non-standard format)

Yahoo Maps

Note live traffic feed option, overview map leads full map for zoom interface preview. Also, mouse rollover on legend highlights search results dynamically.

B) Google Earth and Sketchup.

Optional: Try the Google Earth + Sketchup exercise explained in the optional part of last Wednesday's Internet GIS lecture notes. From Google Earth, you add a 3D model of the Eiffel Tower and place it, at scale, onto Briggs Field near the MIT dormatories. The Eiffel Tower model was built using Google Sketchup and downloaded from Google's 3D Warehouse of user contributed 3D models. From Google Earth, you can save a snippet of surface image into a format that Sketchup can read as your ground location. Then you can use Sketchup to build a 3D model which you can then add back into Google Earth at the appropriate location.

Part V: Lab Assignment Options

Pick any one of the 4 options below along with the PDF for the map in Part III-B

Option A: Build Your Own U.S. Case Study Using Downloaded GIS Data

1. Select a location in the U.S. which interests you. Using the national map or, find and download:

National Elevation Data (NED 1/9)
Land Use / Land Cover (NLCD)
Transportation (varies)
Hydrology (varies)

2. Note the interface or data problems you find, if any.

3. Turn in both a map illustrating your area, and a brief paragraph describing the user experience.

Option B: Build an International Case Study

  1. Pick an international site of interest.
  2. Using USGS's "seamless" web site, find and download the SDTS terrain for the area, and any other relevant data.
  3. Using the University of Maryland's site, find which Landsat imagery is available for free for the area. Also, download the global 1km land use information for the area if available. (No need to actually download a full Landsat image at this time - just grab the preview image for now).
  4. Using Google Maps or another online GIS, screen-grab imagery for your area.
  5. Document what you found, what you didn't find, and your overall user experience in about a paragraph.

Option C: Build Your Own Map Using Web Maps (in Browser or in ArcGIS)

  1. Same idea as in options above, different technical approach. Try using web mapping to create a map for particular area of interest. Turn in a screen capture of your map. You can capture the screen using the 'snipping tool' from Start/All-Program/Accessories/snipping-tool.
  2. Try to find and use at least one of ESRI's ArcWeb Services, and one OGC Web Mapping Service (WMS).
  3. Document at a paragraph level your user experience, including interface and data issues.

Option D: Critical Analysis

Web services can be evaluated from the point of view of a consumer, from that of a producer, or from that of a policymaker. Pick one of these points of view, and using the sites above as examples, describe what you find to be the "state of the art." Address what works, what are best practices, what doesn't work and what you think is required.

Write up approximately 1 - 2 pages of text, with illustrated examples

Please choose 1 of the 4 above-listed lab assignment options (in addition to the map detailed in Part III-B) and submit your assignment on Stellar. This assignment is optional.

Created October, 2006, by Michael Flaxman and Joseph Ferreira based on exercise developed by Joseph Ferreira for use in the URISA Internet GIS workshop taught by Zhong-Ren Peng and Joseph Ferreira.

Last modified 7 April 2016 [myc]

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