11.188 : Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory
11.205: Intro to Spatial Analysis (1st half-semester)

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Remote Learning - Spring 2020

Revised Schedule (As of March 22, 2020)

Class Setup

  • We will be conducting all classes and labs on Zoom (click for instructions). Please ensure you have tested Zoom setup.
  • For Class and Lab:
    • Join the meeting through the class URL on Stellar 
    • We'll go through lecture and lab as a group at the regular class/lab times (Boston, eastern daylight saving time)
    • Relevant portions of the sessions will be recorded and available online in MP4 format (like the 'welcome' video clip at the start of this page)
  • If you have a question in class:
    • Raise hand using Zoom's hand-raising option
    • If it's a general question, you can ask in the meeting when called upon
    • If it's a specific question/technical help we can go to a breakout room with you
    • Use reactions like yes/no to indicate help needed/if you don't understand something
  • For questions outside of class/lab hours, please post on Piazza. This ensures prompt response from at least one instructor or a member of the communtiy, and also helps others learn from your questions
  • For office hours:
    • Thursday office hours will be in Joe's meeting room. URL on Stellar
    • Monday office hours will in Rida's meeting room. URL on Stellar
    • Sign up for a slot at : http://cronlasso.mit.edu/dusp/officehours (certificates required)
    • Join the meeting at your reserved time.
    • At first you will enter a waiting room and we'll let you in to the meeting as soon as we can

ArcMap Access

Data Access

  • All data is accessible from the class Dropbox folder (you can find the link on stellar or click here)
  • Accessing H: Drive
  • Windows machines:
  • If you're off-campus you must run MIT's VPN service otherwise, if on campus go to next bullet
  • In the Start menu, right-click on Computer and select Map Network Drive.
  • Choose a drive letter (H: is convenient because it will match the public system configuration) and enter a folder name: \\win.mit.edu\dfs\profiles\FirstInitialofYourMITusername\yourMITusername e.g. \\win.mit.edu\dfs\profiles\r\rqadri
  • Check Reconnect at logon if you'd like this drive to be available every time you boot.
  • Click Finish.
  • When prompted (after some minutes), enter your username as win\yourmitusername e.g. win\rqadri and your Athena password.
  • The "Remember my credentials" checkbox should be checked.
  • Accessing I: Drive from your machines:
  • Macbooks (Under Accessing AFS> FTP Client)
  • Windows: (After downloading,for configuration click here )


Last modified by rqadri on Mar 22, 2020

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