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Pressure Hull
Power Source
Life Support
Surface Support
Operation Schedule
Artistic Picture

LEEAMITe's Surface Support

Since LEEAMITe will be based at on Rodriguez Is., we decided to use a small science ship (about 35 m in length) to transport the submersible to the site above the Edmond Vent. The vessel will be fit with an A-Frame, which best suits the design of LEEAMITe, to deploy and recall our vehicle. The ship will be outfitted with a professional crew.

The expenses of the surface support ship is a major problem for any group with a submersible. The renting cost for a ship amounts to usually $5,000 or more a day. In addition, traveling cost from the ship's port makes renting a bad option. Nevertheless, purchase and upkeep of a ship will also be quite expensive. To cut down on cost, the support ship will be rented out to nearby islands when LEEAMITe is not in operation. The main danger to this arrangement is that if there is an emergency at the habitat, the transportation vehicle will not be able to do anything. However, even if the surface support was always around, the long transportation time between Rodriguez Is. and the Edmond Vent sight, renders LEEAMITe almost useless in emergency situations.

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