layer hidden off the screen


So, this is Drillette, a remotely operated vehicle or ROV who's sole purpose in life is to drill core samples from the ocean floor and to wear away diamond drilling bits.We've got several robotic vehicles down here. In fact, one of them is attached to our submarine. Tug. I guess you can figure out why he's called so. Occasionally, we need to investigate small places where the submarine can't go. Then, it's Tug's to the rescue. The robotic vehicles are divided into ROVs and AUVs. The ROVs, which are Tug and Drillette, need to be supplied with power and to be controlled in order to do their work. You may be wondering what's supplying Drillette with the power right now. Well, there's a distant docking station to which she is connected by a tether. This docking station serves other purposes too. Sometimes robotic vehicles go there to recharge for example. The other kind of vehicles are the AUVs or autonomous underwater vehicles. I love those guys. They're completely independent of humans. You just tell them go do so and so and they do it. Artificial intelligence at it's best.

Want to try driving EVE for a minute. Autopilot off. Yeah, it works by voice recognition. Here, have a seat. Yeah, you're getting the hang of it. The navigation systems are pretty easy to use. Hey, stop fooling around! This is a submersible, not a rollercoaster! Here, get off the pilot seat. Sixty seconds are up! What? Feeling like Captain Nemo? I bet Captain Nemo never saw what you're gonna see. Hey, there's the vent!
