layer hidden off the screen


There goes our black smoker exploding like a mini-volcano, releasing black smoke everywhere. Lights off. Infrared cameras on. Hey, Jim, there's a black smoker over here. Want to take your samples? I'll put the sub in the right position. These black smokers are a fantastic feature of vent geology. There are white smokers too. Anyway, I'm not the guy to ask about these things. Go over to Jim. He's the expert.

Hello there. So you're a geologist too? No? A biologist? Well, if you want to work here, you'll have to be a mix of both. Things overlap a lot. So you want to have a look at what I'm doing? I'm going to hook up myself to a virtual reality system now so that I can control the manipulators. Then, I'll try to use the scissors at the tip of one of the manipulators to cut a piece from that black smoker's chimney. Here we go. This is tricky, but the system is pretty advanced and makes controlling the manipulators easy. Aha! Now that we've go the piece, where do we put it? In the sample basket. Oops, I dropped the sample! No problem. It's small enough to go through our suction hose. There. It's in the box now. When we get back to the habitat, I'll drop the box and one of the robotic vehicles will pick it up and take it into the internal docking sphere.

Those things over there? No, they're not just any worms. They're beautiful tubeworms. They haven't got guts. Believe that? Oh, how time flies here! It's getting late. We should go back to the habitat now. I hope you've enjoyed your day.

I want to go over the tour again!