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Project Amazonia: Monitoring - Water
River Flow Volume
Monitoring of river volume is important as a means of
calibrating hydrologic cycle models. It is also important in order to
predict and give advance warning for floods further downstream.
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP): device which uses
ultrasonic device to monitor river volume
Interferometric synthetic: remote sensing techniques that
collects data on river volumes
Airborne Scanning Laser Altimetry (LiDAR): detect water level
changes. This technique has already proven to be highly useful for measuring
vegetation height and so data from such a system would be particularly
useful in modeling runoff.
One major source of threats is the mining processes and
their side effects. Acid mine dragains (or AMD) is a solution originating at
a mine site and carried off in rain or surface water.
 | Thermal imaging cameras on the planes (part of
SIVAM’s data collection system): can locate groundwater flows (but not
useful in determining chemical composition) |
 | Quanta-G water quality instrument: designed
specifically for ground water monitoring. It measured temperature specific
conductance, salinity, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen reduction
potential, depth, and vented level. |
 | Infrared Remote Sensing: High frequency monitoring,
use only information of cloud-top temperature to determine surface
rainfall |
 | Microwave Remote Sensing: Based on the distribution
of within the cloud, explain instantaneous rainfalls more realistically,
but can only monitor twice/day for any location, Housed on low-orbiting
satellites |
 | Fixed-time Recording Local Sensing: Records the
amount of rainfall over a set interval of time. In some ways this is a
very inefficient method as it produces a large number of extraneous zeros
in the data set |
 | Fixed-event Recording Local Sensing: Fixed-event
recording records the time interval over which a set amount of rain falls.
The method eliminates the large amount of extraneous zeros, making date
sets leaner and more manageable. |
 | Climate Prediction Center merged analysis of
precipitation (CMAP): The merged analysis was composed of two kinds of
data – standard precipitation (STD) and enhanced precipitation (ENH). STD
consisted of gauge observations, where as ENH consists of five kinds of
satellite estimates. |
 | Direct (Lysimeter): evapotransportation =
precipitation-drainage-mass |
 | Indirect (Water Balance): Lysimeters (even though
accurate) is not effective on a large scale. Therefore, even though it is not
as accurate, we use indirect method to determine evapotranspiration.
Each year the Amazon transports suspended sediment to the
delta plain. The combined exchanges of sediment are estimated an average of
2070Mt per year.
 | Optical Backscatter: shines light into a sample volume
and measures reflected light using photodiodes positioned around the emitter.
 | Acoustic: Emits short bursts of high frequency sound
from a transducer. The sediment will reflect a certain amount of the sound
depending upon the concentration, particle size and frequency. |
 | Spectral Reflectance: Suspended sediment concentrations
are measured using the amount of radiation reflected from a body of water and
the properties of that water. |
 | Digital Optical: A charged-coupled device records the
sediment/water mixture in-situ. It can be analyzed for size and concentration
of suspended sediment particles, and to confirm the nature of the sediment.
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