I.Agroforestry -find specific needs of different potential crop plants
(i.e. bananas, mangos)
-can't use those because harvesting the fruit takes the nutrients
away from the system
-instead use palms, brazil nuts, coffee type-thing
II. Monitoring -use surrogates (measure a set of easier to
measure factors instead of directly measuring a hard to measure quantity
i.e. environmental factors instead of counting number of a species)
-look for indicator, critical species
-examine litter fall (the composition should show nutrients in
-isoprene levels in the carbon cycle (easily
measured just by flying over rainforest, so can use to get general idea
of cycle over different areas)
-nitrogen doesn't limit growth, phosphorous does. Ca 2+ and Mg
2+ ions also important
-different types of pollen
III.Preservation -ways of logging now are wasteful, instead use RIL controlled
logging which only takes what you need
-reforestation after logging doesn't work if it is only one species,
hard to get the dynamic of the ecosystem going again, especially without
nutrients in the soil
-monitor rates of regrowth to find time scale for reforestation
Characterization |
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FAQ's |
Monitoring |
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