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Mission 2007
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Progress Journal

How Will Drilling Affect YOU?

This question is one that must be asked as we begin to investigate whether drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a sound decision. For the people of Alaska, it is a question that they have been asking themselves for many years. The views and perspectives of the different groups often get overshadowed by the boisterous debates in Congress or headlines in the media, but the people of Alaska need to be involved in the final arbitration of this complex issue.

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Let us introduce you to four of the important Alaskan groups in this debate:

Will these tribes who have lived on the land and depend on the caribou herds for substance perish?
Will drilling bring more revenue or a headache of environmental catastrophes?
How does the Alaskan government relate to corporations in Alaska, and what are the legal perspectives that are being held by different governmental authorities?
Can a compromise situation be reached, or is the environment too important to be bargained away?

We hope you leave this site with a better sense of the individuals and groups involved in this struggle. The ANWR debate is not one that can be solved by pure logic alone; the emotions and effects of such activity on the human population must be investigated and understood.

NOTE: This site is (and will usually be) under heavy construction. Please pardon our dust.

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Last updated: November 23, 2003
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