Team 10 - Progress Towards GoalsBanner - Top

Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal

[Goals] [Meetings] [Web Site]

Progress Reports


-Communicate the culture and the perspective of the parties involved through a web site format.
-Determine the overall sociological effect of ANWR drilling for each party.
-Search for a compromise between the parties involved.



[11.21-23.03] Met in Terrascope room, Next House, and wherever else we felt like doing Mission work. Updated web site, discussed cost-benefit, drilling proposal, presentation, and other assundries. Ate too much pizza and candy and got too little sleep. Mission is a parasite that is eating my life. Played "Where's Crystal?" but, unlike "Where's Waldo?" ended up being unsuccessful in the search.

[11.21.03] Met in TEAL room to discuss how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis with the rest of Mission. Argued about how quantitative we could be with analysis, listened to Kip's wise insights, and made sure Team 8 had plenty of work.

[11.16.03] Group met with Teams 8 and 9. Discussed cost-benefit analysis and determined on what topics we needed to do more research.

[11.15.03] Group met to work on individual proposals and refine final proposal. To do this, we proofread each other's proposals and updated the web site (while eating lots of donuts and sugar-free cookies). We are currently re-evaluating final goal of "searching for a compromise" because that may not be relevenat to total Mission goal of finding most "environmentally-friendly way of drillin" in ANWR (See meeting video).

[11.09.03] Kris and Matt met in Terrascope room to discuss final propsal/timeline details with Mariela. Matt also brough in his summary of the Alaskan environmentalists' position.

[11.02.03] We met again today in the Teraascope room to discuss exactly what our individual groups believe so that when we are split up tomorrow, then we know exactly what each group's viewpoints are. We also updated the websites, because it had not been done earlier on. We put all of our individual groups perspectives in a word document and printed off four copies so that we have something tangible to fall back on tomorrow.

[10.31.03] Happy Halloween! Today we presented our three minute speach on what our group is currently doing and what we are going to do in order to present the group with the most overall view on what everyone believes. We did not have any questions like most of the other groups, so we do not have anything further the group expects from us, which is a good thing because we are coming near a close. We are beginning to think of how the entire group should finalize the project. We believe that the group should break up into groups. One group is in charge of the presentation, one is charge of the website, and the third is the final written project. There wasn't too much enthusiasm for this idea, but we will continue to persue how the group wants to prepare the final project, because we only have three weeks left.

[10.26.03] We met today in the Terrascope room to catch up on the research we have been doing. We decided that our group needed to put something on the website that is easy to look at by any group so that they can see what we have found. We decided we should build a table where there is a subject, and under each subject is the groups perspective on that subject by each group we have looked at. We are going to their ideas on the economy, environmental impacts (animal, and pollution), oil drilling impact, and the rights of the citizens of the area. We know that no matter what our final idea, some group will not like the outcome. We believe that some moderation can be met, in terms of appeasing the other groups when we figure out the final idea. For example, if we drill, we can put certain limitations on the drilling to help keep the environmentalists, the Democrats, and the Guichins content. And if we do not drill, we put some other form of jobs and money into the Alaska economy to appease the Republicans, the citizens, the corporations, and the Inupiats. Ideas on preserving the culture of the people in Alaska are more complicated. Natives want to be modernized, but also want freedom to move around when they are able to. We believe we could present two solutions to show both sides of the compromises that are available. We have to look at how to compensate the groups for what we do. We need to inform the populus about what is going on.

[10.24.03] Kris and Anna went to the discussion at Harvard University and found the discussion very usefull towards our research. There will be more updates on exactly what was found once some spell checking has been done. There are many more things to look at as an entire group that will be volleyed around the groups, most likely via e-mail. We know this will anger people, because it is "spam", but it really isn't because it is so pertinant to the project as a whole.

[10.22.03] We discussed in our group exactly what we need to do in order to help the group the most. We decided to write up a chart to help us visualize what reasons for and against are in each other the groups we have researched. We also looked into creating a powerpoint presentation to show what we have learned to other people. We then told each other what we have found in our researching process. We are trying not to get too bogged down on details and decide what we can use in the final presentation. This is our prelimanary table.

Reasons For
Reasons Against
Oil drilling jobs attracted many of the Inupiats in the area. They went there when they saw a source of revenue. (Native) Disruption to the environment, peoples and animals in the area will take place. Any oil drilling will do this. (Environmental)
Inupiats are in limbo between subsistance living and living like more Westerners do. A lot of what they want ot do require a job, because they need to pay bills, and buy items they cannot get any other way. (Native) This is a public land so the entire nation can have a decision in this. If this was private land, this entire dicussion would be mute, and drilling would be encouraged. There is nothing to lose by protesting because all that would happen is that the land will be protected. (Environmental)
Inupiats are not reliant on the land, they are more involved in the marine life, so they do not have as much interest in the Caribou herds. (Native) Guichin are subsistance people, their main form of living is hunting large game, and they do not kmport much at all. Oil and the prescence of more people will hurt the species that they rely on. (Native)
Thorugh different oil prospects came the groups school systems and running water. (Native) The Polar Bear is very finicky about what goes on in their area and it is one of the main sources of food for the Guichin. (Native)
The revenue from jobs that are created when drilling companies start new projects, will boost the economy of the area. (C and G) The Corporations are not holding true to their word on when oil drilling will take place, and the ecological impact oil is having. (C and G)
The Government recieves subsidies from the oil companies and they can use that money for projects that can help the people in that area. (C and G) Relations with other countries, especially Canada, will be greatly affected if we decide to drill. (C and G)
Methods to make sure that the environment is protected have emproved emensely. Making oil spills less frequent, the impact on the environment less, and making clean up methods more efficient. (C and G)  

[10.15.03] - Visited Hayden Library and started doing some research in book sources rather than online materials. Were rather successfull in finding information, especially from reserve stacks. Need to read and prepare for Perspectives by team meeting on Friday.

[9.30.03] - In our group meeting we discussed exactly what we needed to find out for the assignment. We looked at our specific agenda as written on the Mission page, and those of the groups around us. We decided that we may be covering more information than is absolutely necessary, because it is being covered by another group already. We decided that we do not need to look at the entire United State's point of view on the subject, but need to focus more on the Alaskan people and their perspectives. We are restructuring our groups so that Matt, who is researching environmentalists, is now going to focus on the environmental groups in Alaska, Anna, who is researching corporations, will focus on corporations based in Alaska, or directly related to the oil coming from ANWR. Crystal and Kris, who are researching the citizens of Alaska, and the individual tribes in Alaska, respectively, will continue their research as previously.


Web Site

[11.15.03] - Updated Perspectives page with views of Alaskan corporations. (am)

[11.15.03] - Updated Perspectives page with views of Alaskan natives. (kh)

[11.02.03] - Went through and formatted pages so they all still looked the same. (mz)

[10.27.03] - Added Perspectives page. (mz)

[10.16.03] - Made web site look a lot prettier, added some research, added team members page, updated index page, updated progress report, and got rid of the fuschia backdrop. Let me know what you think. (mz)


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Last updated: November 22, 2003
Team 10 -