Environmental Impact Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal
Welcome to Mission 2007
Team website for Environmenmental Impact Evaluation

Our OBJECTIVES for the semester are as follows:

"Our main aim is to develop criteria for evaluating the environmental
impact of oil exploration and production methods for ANWR. these
criteria may be used as a reference when evaluating similar situations
(in geographically similar areas) where the area is subject to potential
adverse environmental impact as a consequence of oil exploration and

"The next step would be incorporating the methods proposed by other
groups into the set of criteria and eventually using the criteria to
evaluate the final methods proposed. In order to achieve this, we are
going to formulate a way to validate our evaluation. Throughout the
entire process we are going to use a broad range of resources to ensure
objective results that are factual and unbiased."

Objectives- Updated November 8th, 2003:

Now that we received the preliminary proposal regarding oil exploration and production techniques from Team E, we are going to work on researching the environmental impact of each component of their proposal, to provide them with feedback as soon as possible.
After the final modifications on the proposals are done, we are going to come up with a final environmental impact evaluation that highlights the damages the strategy does to the environment.

For an idea of how well we are achieving these goals please explore the website and feel free to email any one of us.
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Last updated: October 8, 2003 (3:25 am) Email Team 4- m2007-4@mit.edu