Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Progress Journal

Progress Journal

Nov. 23, 2003 (10:50 pm) - The maps are finally done, and posted on the website. They are not too good looking or too informative, but this was a crash course in GIS and, anyway, almost any other map would be completely incomprehensible for us. They are under Research, in the summary of the plays.

Nov. 17, 2003 (1:05 am) - Most of the work has been done as a team, and during the past week, as a class to coordinate our work from now until the presentation. We've had meeting every night since Friday until very late, and tonight looks the same. I finished the geologic history a few days ago but didn't upload it until now.

Nov. 2, 2003 (1:05 pm) - During the last week, have been posting my work directly on the team website instead of posting it on this one to make sure team e can access it fast. The finished summary of the ten plays of the 1998 USGS Assessment is now under Research.

Oct. 25, 2003 (5:50 pm) - On Thursday, received 6 copies of the CD-ROM sets from David Houseknech. I gave up on the Basin Analysis books. The information is great but it's not directly related to what I'm doing, and I spend too much time trying to understand what it say. The deadlines are too close to try to do something with them.

Oct. 22, 2003 (12:45 pm) - Uploaded a summary of the information on the plays from the 1999 USGS Assessment. Only the first five plays are there. Kyungmin is going to do the other five.

Oct. 20, 2003 (1:50 am) - On Friday, received the shapefiles for the 10 plays from Christopher Garrity, of the US Geological Survey. Also received an email from Mr. Houseknecht offering to send me the CD-ROM sets of the 1998 evaluation of the plays. They should arrive some time this week. Worked on the shapefiles during the weekend and now have more specific plans, and a lot more data (see Sources) for the maps. I still need to work on the Basin Analysis books.

Oct. 15, 2003 (9:25 pm) - Got a reply from Mr. Houseknecht early this morning. He is going to send me the maps either today or tomorrow. I'm currently researching on specific methods of evaluating the hydrocarbon potential of a region: deposition-compaction process, thermal maturity patterns, stratigraphic ages and unconformities (and anything else I run across). Books in progress: Basin Analysis - Quantitative methods, by Ian Lerche (volumes 1 and 2).

Oct. 14, 2003 (10:40 pm) - Sent an email to David Houseknecht, from the U.S. Geological Survey and a panelist in the final presentation, looking for GIS data. I've only found generalized geologic maps of Alaska, and the ones that are interesting for the rest of the state normally don't have much detail for ANWR.

Oct. 09, 2003 (11:35 pm) - Just put up the summary of the thermal maturity article on Research. I also found several articles on hydrocarbon potentials of ANWR and a geological overview of the North Slope that Carly will probably find useful. I'm now going to put up the finished images for the websites on a page; it seems that teams don't really communicate and people want the images and they don't know who has them. I also changed the images for the ones that correspond to team 1.

Oct. 07, 2003 (11:25 pm) - Found a bulletin about thermal maturity of sedimentary rocks in Alaska. Only the overview worked for me. It doesn't have specific information about ANWR, but it is useful to understand what to look for there. The other articles were specific about other regions. The bulletin is on Sources, along with a map compiled by the authors using the data. I'm currently working on a summary of the overview to put up on Research; it will probably be up tomorrow sometime. As for GIS, the map I tried so hard to open is not useful. It has lots of information about the rest of the state, but it's almost empty around ANWR.

Oct. 05, 2003 (6:35 pm) - Spent 45 minutes fighting with WinZip to decompress a .gz file of GIS data of Alaskan mining resources. It kept creating a Zip file with the .gz file inside. Ended up expanding it on my Mac and putting it up on the website to download it from the computers at the GIS Lab.

Oct. 03, 2003 (12:05 pm) - The team talked in class about creating a first version of our topic for team e to work on. The deadline is next Friday and I have to work on hydrocarbon locations and depth of the reservoirs. Will work on it during the weekend.

Sept. 28, 2003 (12:20 pm) - Only teams 8 and e (2 and 3 merged) emailed their preferences by 10:00 pm. Since the due date for the team websites is Wednesday, the images can wait until Monday night to be finished. I'm currently searching the web for GIS data clearinghouses and putting some order into my website. Research and Sources have content now. Book in progress: Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology, edited by John D. Bossler.

Sept. 27, 2003 (2:00 am) - The ten images are finished, just missing the name of the teams. They are online so the ten teams can look at them and select the one they want. The files for the template are also up so people can download them and start working over the final structure, just missing the final images. The teams are supposed to email their preferences for the images by 10:00 pm.

Sept. 26, 2003 (5:10 pm) - The template for the pages was selected during class, and the Anwr.org pictures came out from the group of images because of possible conflicts of interest.

Sept. 22, 2003 (4:35 pm) - Met with Kristina Holton and Andrew Pinkham to talk about the templates for the team pages. We decided to use a photograph for the title and bottom bar, like this page is made. Now I just have to find ten pictures for the ten teams.

Sept. 20, 2003 (10:40 pm) - Spent all afternoon in the library reading on the geology of the North Slope. A summary will be up in the website as soon as I manage to put some order into it (I also need to look for a good dictionary!). I also found a great report from the U.S. Geological Survey that is a very short version of what we are supposed to do as a team. A bit out of date, though. The link is in Sources.

Sept. 18, 2003 (12:30 pm) - Today was the first coordination meeting; they agreed on a common template for the team pages. During the group meeting we divided the research, and, for next Wednesday, we should have found basic information for all of it, along with sources to look at. Tonight I'll write to the teams with the topics of migratory and non-migratory species to talk about a meeting with Dan Sheehan, of IS, to learn about GIS and create the all the maps with the same base.

Sept. 14, 2003 (10:10 pm) - I'm back from the Geology Field Trip. It was great. I forgot to upload the page yesterday morning, so now it has two new entries. There weren't any new emails regarding the template conflict. If no one writes again, the topic will come out during the first coordination meeting and something will be settled there (I hope). Fixed the display of the menu and the update and address bar for Internet Explorer. The main body of text is still too large, but that will come later.

Sept. 13, 2003 (6:30 am) - I'm leaving on the 10th Annual Geology Field Trip today, so don't expect changes on this page until tomorrow night. New emails have arrived regarding the templates; there are finally concrete ideas and things look clearer.

Sept. 12, 2003 (11:35 pm) - Team 1 sent a proposition through the team mailing lists to have weekly coordination meetings with one person of each team and to create a basic template for the team websites to make the creation of the class page easier. The first idea was well recieved, but there are problems with the second. Neither those of us in favor of the template nor those against it have been able to really communicate our thoughts. I'm sure it will clear out in a few days, once people start putting personal websites up.

Sept. 12, 2003 (12:25 pm) - After two days working on the graphics and fighting with the table between psets, the page is finally up with a bit of information. This, for example, isn't supposed to go here [the index], but I have to be awake in class tomorrow and I won't make the Progress Journal page tonight. I'll work again tomorrow and I'll write something more interesting on this page.

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Mariela Perignon - perignon@mit.edu
Team 1 - m2007-1@mit.edu