Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Progress Journal


Geologic History

1998 USGS Assessment - Summary of the plays (with maps)

Petroleum Systems of the the North Slope

Summary: Johnson, M.J. & Howell D.G. (1999). Thermal Maturity of Sedimentary Basins in Alaska - An Overview. Thermal Maturity of Sedimentary Rocks in Alaska: Digital Resources. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2142.


- Localization of hydrocarbons and their concentration.
- Types of hydrocarbons in ANWR (API gravity, sulfur content [...])
- Depth of the reservoirs and expected recovery.

- Maps (source rocks, faults, reservoir rocks, type of hydrocarbon [...])
- Tables (percentile of organic


Currently looking for data, and it will probably stay that way for some time.

There are some links in Sources to clearinghouses that at least found something. Several keep running into errors or showing data for Madagascar when I searched for Alaska.

Background information:

Source rock:

Black shale (organic rich mud in marine settings)
Depth:5000 feet to 21000 feet
Temperatures: 120 F to 350 F
Above depth, lower temperatures: formation of gas (microbial)
Below depth, higher temperatures: Degeneration of oil and organic material into methane

Reservoir rock:

- Sandstone
- Limestone

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Mariela Perignon - perignon@mit.edu
Team 1 - m2007-1@mit.edu