Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Progress Journal



Demaison, G. J. (1984). The Generative Basin Concept. In G. J. Demaison and R. J. Murris (Eds.), Petroleum Geochemistry and Basin Evaluation, AAPG Memoir 35 (pp. 1-14). Tulsa: The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


Johnsson, M.J., Evans, K.R. & Marshall, H.A. (1999). Thermal Maturity of Sedimentary Rocks in Alaska: Digital Resources. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2142. Bull2142.pdf.

Johnsson, M.J. & Howell D.G. (1996). Generalized Thermal Maturity Map of Alaska. Thermal Maturity of Sedimentary Rocks in Alaska: Digital Resources. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2142. MapI2494.pdf.

U.S. Geological Survey. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, Petroleum Assessment, 1998, Including Economic Analysis. <http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs-0028-01/fs-0028-01.htm>.

GIS data:

Elevation model mosaic for Alaska (300 m) http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/usgs/erosafo/300m/300m.html

1002 boundary polygon http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/projects/anwr/datahtml/1002bnd.html

Landcover map for Greater 1002 http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/projects/anwr/datahtml/vegtm30.html

Hydrography for Greater 1002 http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/projects/anwr/datahtml/1002.dlg.hyd.html

Costan bathymetry for Alaskan coasts http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/projects/anwr/datahtml/lnosbath.html

Geologic maps of Alaska (thermal maturity and sedimentary basins) http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/usgs/geology/index.html

Mineral Terrains of Alaska (expanded .gz from http://imcg.wr.usgs.gov/data.html): mterranef.e00

Federal Geographic Data Committee: http://www.fgdc.com

Entry point to Geospatial Data Clearinghouse:
Data Servers:

Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse - Datasets: http://agdc.usgs.gov/data/index.html

Geography Network - Downloadable Data: http://www.geographynetwork.com/data/downloadable.html

Landscape Landscape MIT Logo

Mariela Perignon - perignon@mit.edu
Team 1 - m2007-1@mit.edu