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-11/12/03- "Summary of Knowledge (with respect to ANWR and the Definition of an A" (version1) has been posted

It is available at this link. Also, the hydrocarbon value table has been updated (see research).
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-11/7/03- Friday Meeting

The entire Mission discussed topics of future organization, including making groups solely to present, edit, analyze, etc. Team E also unveiled its initial proposal, and is awaiting criticism on it. Time is running short, and the rate of work verses rate of time has to increase phenomenally if this is to pull off, which it will, inshallah...
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-11/5/03- Team Meeting

Tempers ran high as we all 'discussed' (to put it politely) on how to approach the remainder of our tasks... in the end it was decided to stick with the status quo and to continue on, with all summaries to be finished by this Monday, or else...
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-11/3/03- M2007 "Mid Term"

Each M2007 student was thrown into 4 impromptu groups, which were then told to give a presentation regarding the use of different types of roads in the ANWR environment. 

The UTFs then grilled each team on their answers... and in the end said that their expectations were passed (which is not much in absolute terms of knowledge, info, etc., but is a good morale booster, at least it shows how much our UTFs think we're capable of :| )...

On the other hand, it is VERY clear that inorder for any presentation to work it would have to be meticulously planned out. The "Midterm" showed that all it takes to derail a presentation is for one person to speak too much, thus diminishing too much time. That is the true morale of the story... 

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-10/31/03- Friday Meeting

Groups 9 and 10 presented their status report today, and Kip yet again dropped more hints about 'speeding things up...' The group then spent its time discussing the final 'summary/report/publication' for Team 1... clearly the work is not finished yet by a long shot...
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-10/29/03- Team Meeting

Unfortunately, not much is different from last week. We decided that we should go ahead with making the 'summaries' for our individual research, and that we should compile all this in one cohesive document. The exact details are, however, still a bit vague at this moment...
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-10/27/03- Final Perspectives

Subhankar Banerjee was there today, sharing his experiences with ANWR and the subsequent political storm that encompassed it.
Meanwhile, the team again split into smaller groups, and discussed the political ramifications of ANWR... in the end we pretty much agreed that Banerjee's exhibit being 'modified' at the Smithsonian was clearly a result of a game of political football between the Democrats and Republicans with respect to oil drilling in ANWR.
The issue of international politics- such as treaties with Canada or OPEC's reaction- is still to be discussed.

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-10/24/03- Friday Meeting

Each team gave a brief "5 minute" update on what they were doing, and how far along they are in doing it. Please refer to Team 8's minutes for the details:  http://web.mit.edu/12.000/www/m2007/teams/8/progress_102403minutes.html
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-10/22/03- Team Meeting

We recognized that it is now crunch time, and that we need to step up our efforts in getting our part finished so that we can be in a better position to help M2007 overall. We've reconfirmed our deadlines, and reshuffled some of our tasks (i.e. Xiangmin is taking on some of the plays that Mariela hasdn't finished yet), and prepared for our summary report on Friday.
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-10/20/03- Perspectives

Perspectives IV finished today, regarding the implication of ANWR with different ethnic groups in the region. The teams were divided into 3 groups to facilitate discussion- an approach that does seem to work in terms of increasing participation. 

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-10/17/03- Friday Meeting

Today we continued the construction of the team website, as well as had discussions with Teams e and 8.

With Team 8 we found that they needed some basic information from us, and so we decided to go ahead and cooperate in that field (especially with respect to "how much it's worth:" that's what I am currently researching).

Team e needs to know from us "How much is there" and "where it is..." two questions that Andrew is addressing.

Next Friday all teams will be giving a status update on their progress... good luck to all the teams in that.
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-10/15/03- Team Meeting

We framed plans to cooperate with teams 8 and E in terms of information exchange. We also confirmed our deadlines, argued a bit about our true intentions, definitions of an A, and so on. In essence, though, it does not seem like there was much new since last Friday, although we had indeed read more research papers and updated our pages.

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-10/10/03- M2007 Meeting- TEAL Room- Coordination

Thought of the day: "Coordination is not a delieverable of the class- think of it as a means to an end. The question that you should be asking yourself is- how far have you gone in terms of developing an exploration/exploitation strategy?" - Kip (he wrote that on the board as a *hint*).  He adds: "It is later than you think".

Response- we realized that time is running out, and so the Coordinaters set a deadline for the first week of November as the day that research must be concluded, so that work on the final product may begin. (For details refer to the coordination site).
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-10/8/03- Team Meeting

The team meet today to discuss progress. Unfortunately, there has not been much progress, and as a result it's time to increase the tempo.

Officially, we've found the majority of the sources we need, and it is now a matter of selectively compiling the information in all the sources.

We've set the internal deadline of October 31st as the day that our book research should be concluded, so that we can send our results to the other teams, and commence work on the 'bigger solution.'
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-10/6/03- Perspectives III

The perspectives seem to be getting better and better as time progresses, partly because each team is learning from previous experiences. The idea to split the whole group into smaller groups to better facilite participation was a good one- although by the end (when all the groups came back together) no one had much to contribute.
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-10/2/03- Site Updated
Site version 2.007 made

As you can see, the site has been totally transformed. This one includes more links, pages, and more information. It is designed to better inform you of what is going on.
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-9/26/03- All-Team Meeting and Coordination Meeting 2
Site version 1.000 made

The team agreed on the principle layout of its own webpage, and will be implementing those changes soon. Most of my research- once it gets into electronic form- will be on the team site rather than this, although I will include links.

The coordinators met, decided on the template, and distributed it. The next coordination meeting will be at the same time, same place.
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-9/24/03- Team I Meeting
Site version 1.000 made

Weekly update-

- I found some information on my sources. I have decided that the best approach to finding current oil prices would be to use official sources such as "American Petroleum Institute" or OPEC publications (such as their website) that contain the most up-to-date information.
- For older trends, predictions, and cost calculations, I will be consulting resources in the Dewey Library (in particular the 'Petroleum Encyclopedia).

We also met with Team VIII to discuss how to handle Perspectives II. We figured it out, and hope that this one will be more refined than the previous Perspectives.

During the All-Team meeting on Friday, the issue of arranging the Team I website will be discussed at length.
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-9/17/03- Coordination Meeting #1

The first coordination meeting was today at 3:45pm at the Terrascope room. The following was decided:

1) The Coordinators will try to meet every week on Friday during team time. This will ensure that all group members have no other commitments, and will better facilitate inter-group communication.

2) The Mission 2007 Forum will be used to handle electronic communications. This reduces the volume of email.

3) A preliminary draft for the web page template has been created. It will be distributed for feed back shortly.
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-9/17/03- Team I Meeting
Site version -11.000 made

Today Team I met at Killian to decide on how to approach its question of 'determining the potential of hydrocarbon resources at ANWR.' We decided that we would divide the research among the group, with each person being responsible to provide sources for next meeting (Wednesday).

My part is to research - in depth - the 'economic value' of the hydrocarbon reserves in ANWR. This involves using oil prices from past trends, current values, and projected future rates to determine how much the oil would be worth. It also involves comparing these values to other hydrocarbon sources around the world, in order to better gauge its 'potential.'
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-9/16/03- Perspectives I Reflection
Site version -11.900 made

The first fifteen minutes of Perspectives I was the actual discussion on the topic. The other 55 minutes became a free-for-all on various topics ranging from the validity of oil's use in society to whether the students should bother doing the Mission. It was quite interesting... but it started dragging eventually.

Anyway, Team 1 defined its Expectations for an A (click on the link to get to that page).

The first Coordinate Meeting will be on Wednesday, 3:45 at the Terrascope room 16-168. I will be representing Team 1 there.
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-9/15/03- Weekly update- What I did last week

Last week I was mainly involved with my group in defining A-grade objectives for my group. I also spearheaded the 'coordination' proposition by emailing the whole of Mission007, suggesting the idea, and arranging for the first meeting.

This week, I intend on getting this template issue resolved among the groups, and at the same time commence on research for my own group.

Have a nice time!

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- 9/15/03- Site version -12.000 inaugurated
Site version -12.000 made

HeyYy everyone! This website is obviously not finished. That is due to issues over formatting that the entire team is discussing at the current time. Once a decision is reached in that respect I can go ahead and add appropriate graphics, links, presentations, colors, and so on.  For now, this temporary (version -12.000) will have to do.

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(C) 2003 by Yaser M. Khan (v1), MIT Class of 2003, all rights reserved and stuff like that, etc.. HeyYy is a registered trademark of Yaser, and you shouldn't be using that in the first place. The last update date is found on the bar below the main text. Yaser isn't responsible for the content of pages that are linked to this one. Other than that, good luck, have fun!
(C) 2003 By Yaser Khan
Last updated: Nov. 12, 2003