Zheng's personal website:

News and Progress on research:

my portrait

News on research



Email to zheng109@mit.edu



-September 28:

Finally my site is operational. I had been trying to upload it with the old method of "self-send-to-email" and wasted lots of time until Maria told me about the SecureFX way. It's such a handy tool I really appreciate it. This afternoon I'm going to meet my teammates and work on the team website together. Fortunately designing this individual site has provided me with some genuine skil

September 27, 2003
   - Received an email from Mariela Perignon concerning decisions about team websites banners and promptly responded with our team selections

September 26, 2003
   - Had team meeting during coordinator's meeting in class and discussed our current state of research
   - Developed a more guided approach towards research

September 24, 2003
   - Had team meeting with wonderful alumni mentors, Nina Ross and David Day, who provided us with a good general analysis of economic impacts
   - Had team meeting with Team 1 in order to organize Perspectives II discussion for September 29, 2003.

September 23, 2003
   - Met with our librarian, Mr. Kehner, to discuss MIT's research facilities

September 19, 2003
   - Settling much debate and spamming, coordinators agreed upon the need for some standard elements in team and personal websites
   - Team discussed current knowledge and areas of interest concerning the oil market

September 17, 2003
   - Assigned different medium to be researched by each person, and created more specific research questions.
   - First coordinator's meeting determined meeting times and introduced website development issues

September 15, 2003
   - Class had Perspectives I discussion based around the nature and history of oil supplies, yet open to much commentary on many different areas.

September 12, 2003
   - Were instructed in usage of Mission 2007's website and online databases.

September 10, 2003
   - Team determined our definition of an "A" for 12.000 and discussed the research limitations of the topic in general.

September 8, 2003
   - Instructed as a class on basic website development and publishing

September 5, 2003
   - Class designated the ten groups for Mission 2007

September 3, 2003
   - First class meeting in 10-150. fundamentals of Mission 2007.

Massachussetts Institute of Technolog

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