Advanced Lecture Information

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Lectures 2004

Advanced Lecture Information

The following advanced lecture summary is excerpted, in part, from the Spring 2004 Advanced Lecture Proposal Guidelines (PDF).



The purpose of the advanced lecture is to identify one to two advanced research methods, and to present these clearly and pedagogically, through a 45 minute oral presentation, through a written tutorial, and in the case of a three person team, with a demonstration. An additional objective is to learn to develop an understanding of the literature in a collaborative context, through one to two partners.

Advanced lectures improve the class' awareness of current research in the field of cognitive robotics. The instructors often re-use them in future semesters to keep the course up to date. A list of suggested topics is linked at the bottom of this section.



Advanced lectures are prepared by students and presented during scheduled lecture sessions. Students perform a 'dry-run' in advance of their in-class presentation. The dry-run is an opportunity for students to exchange feedback on their presentations. The revised lecture, delivered in-class, is subject to the following scoring scheme:

Scoring Guidelines for Technical Presentations (PDF)



In previous semesters, this project was introduced through a sequence of assignments: a warm-up literature review, and an advanced lecture proposal. Although the warm-up exercise was not assigned in Spring 2004, it introduces the advanced lecture project itself, which was undertaken by all students that semester.

Advanced Lecture Warm-Up Exercise (PDF)

Advanced Lecture Proposal Guidelines (PDF)

Advanced Lecture Submission Guidelines (PDF)



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