2.00b Toy Product Design

Let's Play - Toobers!

CAD 1Installing Fusion 360

Time for CAD

It's almost time to get CADing, so you will need to have Fusion 360 installed by your lab this week. The license approval process with Autodesk's third party verifier may take a day, so please start the process now.

Wednesday evening, before lab, you will be invited to the 2.00b Fusion 360 workspace which will include space for each team, and the instructions for how to access the Toobers CAD model and how to work with it will be posted.


All MIT students can download a free student version of Fusion 360. If you previously had a student license that has since expired, you can also update it. You will need to register with your school email address and upload proof of student status to qualify for the license. If you have any difficulty, please email 200b-sysadmin@mit.edu or post in the #ask-the-TA channel on Slack for help.

Submitting your MIT ID will not work for proof of student status since there is no date on the ID. We recommend sending a screenshot of your current class schedule from WebSIS. Be sure it has your name and a date this spring on it!

Learning Resources

If you want to get your feet wet right away, below are some suggested resources.