There are two primary elements that make up the room: radioactive barrels and cranks.

Radioactive Barrels

Players will traverse the room by stepping from barrel to barrel. The barrels are constructed out of steel, and are painted yellow to resemble large drums of radioactive waste. To stay in place, barrels are bolted onto a plywood platform which would span the floor of the room, and can be weighed down to add more stability.

Around the bottom perimeter of the barrel are green LEDs, that bathe the barrel in green light, indicating radioactivity. These LEDs are wired into the central computer, though channels in the plywood to facilitate organized wiring. The central computer will control when the LEDs light up.

To increase safety, a layer of blue padding surrounds the barrel, so that if players fall, they would hit a cushioned surface. This padding is hides the bolts and the plywood platform, and helps direct the light from the LEDs onto the barrels.

Contributors: Tim Lu


The exploded CAD model shows how we intend to implement the crank gag in the room. The main aspect of the gag is the solid handwheel which players will have to spin in order to activate the different neutralizing zones. The hand wheel will be 10” in diameter and will be made of solid aluminum to prevent hands and other body parts from getting caught while spinning the crank. It will be connected to an ⅝” aluminum shaft which will be threaded so a hex nut can secure the hand wheel in place. To ensure that there is enough space between the wall and the handwheel, aluminum spacers will be used to ensure that fingers do not get pinched and have enough room to grip the wheel comfortably. The shaft will be supported by two nylon bushings that will press fit into the wall. To detect the rotations of the crank, inside the wall will be a magnetic reed switch which will be actuated by a magnet attached to the shaft with a custom made wood piece. This will act as a counterweight and help place the magnet within actuating distance of the reed switch.

Contributors: Benjamin Gray

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