User Experience: The Door

Travis Libsack

2.744 Spring 2018

My Solutions for MIT

My solution for MIT is a simple one: when installing new doors think more about door design and its impact on how people move around campus. For example, the doors on the third floor of Building 3 have a simple solution. Put a metal plate on the side you push from and a bar (like there currently is) on the side you pull. Easy.

As part of this solution I would also let MIT know it should think more about doors that open into busy hallways. Unless prohibited by law, all hallway doors should open into rooms instead of into the hallway. This stops awkward hallway blocks as seen in the MechE Lounge.

Next I would make sure to fix doors like the ones in W20 and 10-250. I would make sure the handicap motor does not make the doors excessively annoying to open (this is the case in W20 and 10-250). There are handicap doors that don't try to eat me alive!

Finally I would also change entrances like the one at the student cnter. I would make sure that heavily used 2-way entrances should have doors that swing both ways. This is not the case at the student center and makes it annoying to enter the building.