
For my User Experience Analysis I chose to study Pokémon Go. I was interested in better understanding what makes people continue to play this game a year and a half after it came out. Why do they play every day and how does it fit into their daily lives?

Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game that anyone with a smartphone can download for free and play. In this game users, referred to as 'trainers', explore the game world by exploring the real world. As they do so, trainers will find Pokémon to catch, and other activities to participate in. The game also has a night and day cycle as well as weather to reflect the world of the trainer as they play.

Pokémon Go is one of the few mobile games that involves actually moving around in the real world. Although it's popularity has shrunk since it first came out in the summer of 2016, there are still thousands of trainers worldwide.