21w.789 Communicating
with Mobile Technology
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Relevant Readings
Textbook (not required)
- Arminen, I. (2003) Location: a Socially Dynamic Property - A Study of
Location Telling in Mobile Phone Calls. In L. Haddon et al. (Eds) The
Good, the Bad and the Irrelevant: The User and the Future of
Information and Communication Technologies, Conference Proceedings,
- Consolvo, S., Smith, I. E., Matthews, T., LaMarca, A., Tabert, J., and
Powledge, P. 2005. Location disclosure to social relations: why, when,
& what people want to share. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Portland, Oregon, USA, April 02
- 07, 2005). CHI '05. ACM Press, New York, NY, 81-90.
- Iachello, G., Smith, I., Consolvo, S., Abowd, G., Hughes, G., Howard,
J., Potter, F., Scott, J., Sohn, T., Hightower, J., and LaMarca, A.
Control, Deception, and Communication: Evaluating the Deployment of a
Location-Enhanced Messaging Service. In Proceedings of Ubicomp 2005,
Tokyo, Japan. September 2005.
- Weilenmann, A. H. and Leuchovius, P. 2004. "I'm waiting where we met
last time": exploring everyday positioning practices to inform design.
In Proceedings of the Third Nordic Conference on Human-Computer
interaction (Tampere, Finland, October 23 - 27, 2004). NordiCHI '04,
vol. 82. ACM Press, New York, NY, 33-42. DOI=
- Weilenmann, A. (2003) "I can't talk now, I'm in a fitting room":
Availability and Location in Mobile Phone Conversations. In
Environment and Planning A volume 35, (9) September, pp. 1589 - 1605,
special issue on Technology and Mobility, (Ed.) E. Laurier.
- Ashbrook, D. and Starner, T. (2002). Learning Significant Locations
and Predicting User Movement with GPS. In the Proceedings of 6th IEEE
International Symposium on Wearable Computers. Washington, DC, USA:
IEEE Computer Society.
- Barkhuus, L. and Dourish, P. (2004). Everyday Encounters with
Context-Aware Computing in a Campus Environment. In the Proceedings of
Ubicomp 2004: Sixth annual conference on ubiquitous computing. Tokyo,
- Griswold, W.G., Shanahan, P., Brown, S.W., Boyer, R., Ratto, M.,
Shapiro, R.B. and Truong, T.M. (2005). "ActiveCampus - Experiments in
Community-Oriented Ubiquitous Computing". IEEE Computer (To appear).
- Marmasse, N. and Schmandt, C. (2000). Location-aware information
delivery with comMotion. In the Proceedings of HUC2000: 2nd
international symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing. Bristol,
- Marmasse, N., Schmandt, C. and Spectre, D. (2004). WatchMe:
communication and awareness between members of a closely-knit group.
In the Proceedings of Ubicomp 2004: Sixth annual conference on
ubiquitous computing. Tokyo, Japan.
- Timothy Sohn, Kevin A. Li, Gunny Lee, Ian Smith, James Scott, William G. Griswold. (2005) Place-Its: A Study of Location-Based Reminders on Mobile Phones. Ubicomp 2005.
Mobile Design
- Beyer, H. and Holtzblatt, K. (1998) Contextual Design: A
Customer-Centered Approach to Systems Designs. Morgan Kauffman Press.
- Ellen Isaacs, Alan Walendowski. (2001) Designing from Both Sides of the Screen: How Designers and Engineers Can Collaborate to Build Cooperative Technology. Sams.
- Ho, J. and Intille, S. S. 2005. Using context-aware computing to
reduce the perceived burden of interruptions from mobile devices.
CHI'05. pp 909-918.
- Laurier, E. (2001) Why people say where they are during mobile phone
calls. In Environment and Planning D: Society & Space, pp. 485--504.
- Fogarty, J., Hudson, S.E. and Lai, J. (2004). Examining the robustness
of sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility. In the
Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004: conference on Human factors in computing
systems. Vienna, Austria.
- Lederer, S., Hong, I., Dey, K. and Landay, A. (2004). Personal privacy
through understanding and action: five pitfalls for designers.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8 (6): pp 440-454.
- Milewski, A.E. and Smith, T.M. (2000). Providing presence cues to
telephone users, in Proceedings of the 2000 ACM conference on Computer
supported cooperative work. ACM Press: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
United States. 89-96. Available online:
Ambient Communication
- Bentley, F.; Tollmar, K.; Demirdjian, D.; Koile, K.; Darrell, T.,
"Perceptive presence," Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, pp.
26- 36, Sept.-Oct. 2003
- Marmasse N., Schmandt C., and Spectre, D. WatchMe: communication
and awareness between members of a closely-knit group. Ubicomp 2004.
September 7-10, 2004. Nottingham, UK.
- Persson, P., Blom, J. & Jung, Y. 2005. DigiDress: A Field Trial of
an Expressive Social Proximity Application. UbiComp 2005, pp. 195-212.
[9] Smith, I., et al. Social Disclosure Of Place: From Location
Technology to Communication Practice. In Proc. Pervasive 2005,
Springer Verlag, 2005.
- Tollmar, K. and Persson, J. 2002. Understanding remote presence.
NordiCHI '02, vol. 31.
- Vetere, F., et al. 2005. Mediating intimacy: designing
technologies to support strong-tie relationships. CHI '05
- Steinfield, C., Jang, C., and Pfaff, B. 1999. Supporting virtual team
collaboration: the TeamSCOPE system. In Proceedings of the
international ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work
(Phoenix, Arizona, United States, November 14 - 17, 1999). GROUP '99.
ACM Press, New York, NY, 81-90. DOI=
- Adriana Thompson, Aurelia Friedland, Jenny Cargiuolo, Rüüg:
long-distance communication, CHI '05: CHI '05 extended abstracts on
Human factors in computing systems, 2005, pp 1829-1832.
Blogging/Social Software
- Nardi, B., Schiano, D. and Gumbrecht, M. (2004). Blogging as social activity, or, Would you let 900 million people read your diary? Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. New York: ACM Press. Pp. 222-228.
- Nardi, B., Schiano, D., Gumbrecht, M., and Swartz, L. (2004). Why We Blog. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery. December. Pp. 41-46.
- Jung, Y., Persson, P. and Blom, J. (2005). DeDe: Design and Evaluation
of a Context-Enhanced Mobile Messaging System. In the Proceedings of
ACM CHI 2005: conference on human factors in computing systems.
Portland, OR, USA.
Media Consumption
- Balabanovic, M., Chu, L.L. and Wolff, G.J. (2000). Storytelling
with digital photographs. In the Proceedings of Conference on Human
Factors and Computing Systems. The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Cunningham, Sally Jo, Nina Reeves, and Matthew Britland (2003) An
Ethnographic Study of Music Information Seeking: Implications for the
Design of a Music Digital Library. In: Proceedings of the 3rd
ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, Houston, Texas.
IEEE Computer Society publishers.
- Davis, Marc, King, Simon, Good, Nathan, and Sarvas, Risto. "From
Context to Content: Leveraging Context to Infer Media Metadata." In:
Proceedings of 12th Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia
(MM 2004). New York, ACM Press, 188-195, 2004.
- Frohlich, D., Kuchinsky, A., Pering, C., Don, A. and Ariss, S.
(2002). Requirements for PhotoWare. In the Proceedings of Conference
on Computer Supported Cooperative Work: CSCW 2002. New Orleans,
- Gandhi, B.; Martinez, A.; Bentley, F. Intelligent multimedia
content management on mobile devices. ICME '04. 2004 IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2004. Volume 3,
27-30 June 2004 Page(s):1703 - 1706 Vol.3
- Rodden, K. and Wood, K. R. 2003. How do people manage their
digital photographs?. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, April 05 -
10, 2003). CHI '03. ACM Press, New York, NY, 409-416.
- Viégas, F.B. (2000). Collections: Adapting the display of Personal
Objects for Different Audiences. Unpublished Master of Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Brian K. Smith, Erik Blankinship, Alfred Ashford, III, Michael Baker
and Timothy Hirzel, Inquiry with imagery: historical archive retrieval
with digital cameras, MULTIMEDIA '99: Proceedings of the seventh ACM
international conference on Multimedia (Part 1), 1999, pp 405-408.
- Nancy A. Van House and Marc Davis. "The Social Life of Cameraphone Images." In: Proceedings of the Pervasive Image Capture and Sharing: New Social Practices and Implications for Technology Workshop (PICS 2005) at the Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2005) in Tokyo, Japan, 2005.