Date |
Lecture |
Reading (before class!) |
Recitation/Studio |
Assignment Out |
Notes |
2/3 |
Mobile Applications Overview/Generative Research Methods Overview of research areas in mobile computing. Discussion of the domains and structures of mobile applications and a model for mobile user-centered design. Overview of methods used to create new concepts based in field observations. |
None |
Share interests, form project groups, plan generative research. |
Mobile observation study (10%) |
notes |
2/10 |
Qualitative Data Analysis / Android Fundamentals: Performing analysis of user data to generate concept ideas. Fundamentals of programming on Android devices. Differences from desktop Java. Small overview of iPhone programming. Outline for proposals. |
Contextual Design |
Affinity analysis of observation study, concept generation, informal report on observations |
Proposal (15%), HelloWorld on device (5%) |
notes |
2/24 |
Proposal Presentations: Students present proposals for semester projects. |
Applying UCD to Mobile Application Development |
3/3 |
Mobile Design / Paper Prototyping: Going from requirements to an interaction model down to the design of screens. Rapid prototyping and evaluation. Discovering usability problems early. |
Prototyping For Tiny Fingers References: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] |
Create concept models, flows, and screen designs. |
Complete paper prototype (10%) |
notes |
3/10 |
Usability: Usability testing of paper prototypes. |
Testing of paper prototypes. Informal presentation of key findings and improvements. |
3/17 |
Mobile Persuasion / Urban Computing / Location / Networking: Mobile applications that encourage positivie behavior changes (exercise, diet, social, etc.). Systems that combine physical interaction in the world with mobile technology. Novel applications of location in social, media tagging, and public safety applications. Mobile location technology including GPS/CellID/Wifi localization. Networking capabilities of mobile devices. Best practices in writing mobile networking code. |
UbiFit Garden, Persuasive Games |
Present findings from usability study. Plan location and networking assignments. |
Location/Networking Assignment (10%, due 3/31) |
notes |
3/31 |
Field Evaluation and Deployment: Methods for evaluating mobile computing concepts through everyday use. Diary studies, logging, understanding long-term use. Large-scale deployments through app stores, analytics, and business models. |
Chapter 8 of Building Mobile Experiences (available free here) |
Present reults of location and networking assignment. Plan methods and logistics of your field study. |
Prepare poster/demo on current project state (15%, due 4/7) |
notes |
4/7 |
Poster/Demo Session:
Share current progress on project with the class.
| |
Present posters and demos. |
4/14 |
Instructions for Final Reports/Presentations: Formatting and content requirements for final reports. Expected topics in final presentation. |
None |
Review field study progress. Triage meetings with staff. |
Gather data from other users of your application. Continue working on final project and iterating based on data from your field study. Final report instructions and templates can be found here |
4/28, 5/5, 5/12 |
Final Presentations |
None |
None |
Final written report (25%, due 5/15 @ noon on Stellar) |