21w.789 Communicating
with Mobile Technology
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The following projects have been created in the 2014 version of the course. Projects from 2015 will be posted after the Proposal class.
Anish Punjabi, Bailey Montano, Matt Guthmiller
An application to help increase activity networking for college students around the world.
Reuse Mobile
Manting Lao, Chris Rogers, Alex Konradi, Shalom Abate
Our project seeks to turn the current MIT Reuse mailing list into an Android application. Members of the MIT community will be able to post items that they wish to give away, including any details. Users will also be able to claim posted items. The map interface will also display locations of items relative to the user. Users will be able to sort and filter items and control Push notifications.
Jeremy Kalas, Kai Aichholz, Anthony Emberley, Bryan Williams
Vous is an app designed to facilitate spontaneous person to person meet-ups. Within the app, you can drop a beacon and send it to a list of friends, letting them know you are a particular place and hoping to meet up with people in the area. Ideal for facilitating lunch with friends and other spontaneous get-togethers.
Berj Chilingirian, Saadiyah Husnoo, Tsotne Tabidze, Hayk Saribekyan
OpenSchedule is a mobile application aimed at facilitating open source scheduling and deadline management. Students rely on various resources when determining their weekly agendas and the information required is scattered on individual class websites and not accurate. OpenSchedule offers a unique approach focused on maximizing efficiency and reliability.
Campus Sherpa
Harihar Subramanyam, James Thomas, Ganesh Ajjanagadde, Christopher Ford
Campus Sherpa allows users to take and make custom tours of MIT.
Jimmy Wu, Kai Xiao, Shraman Ray Chaudhuri, Michael Shum
An app that lets you tell your friends when you are on your way to an event so that they can know where you are and plan accordingly.
Danielle Man, Matthew Deyo, Nicole Seo, Martin York
Menyou aims to help consumers make food ordering a more informed and enjoyable experience. Most popular food apps help users choose where to go, but we assist users at their destination. Menyou finds the user's location and analyzes his or her preferences to recommend likable entrees. Are you scared to try new things? Always rely on your favorites? Menyou will assist you in choosing what to order!
What Song is it Anyway?
Yan Annie Jiao, Elliott Marquez, Hailan Hannah Pang, Olga Shestopalova
What Song is it Anyway? is an Android music game that gives users a fun way to explore their knowledge of their own music. As the game starts, songs from the user’s own music are randomly played and the user must enter the correct titles to earn points. The game duration and each song clip duration can be customized. This music game is an interactive way to explore and rediscover your own music.
Patrick Lowe, Robert Radway, Ann Huston, Andrew Zhang
Our app creates music playlists that match interval workouts. Athletes can enter their workout intervals and associated intensity level. Our app then creates a playlist based on this information to match the workout. This is ideal for someone who wants a tailored experience but dies not have the time to create their own playlist.
Isabel Chien, Nadia Lucas, Kimberly Leon, Julia Guo
Foodie is a food blogging application. It helps you develop as a chef by sharing your successes (and failures) with people of your choosing.
Work With Friends
Demitri Nava, Will Haack, Jeremy Wohlwend, Luis Sanmiguel
Leveraging the Facebook API, Work With Friends creates a social space for trustworthy work connections.
Andre Aboulian, Aidan Bevacqua, Allen Park, Paige Grody
Unim is a university friend-finding app designed to alleviate the common stressors of meeting new people. Users are matched by proximity, and they agree to meet based on text-based profiles. Personal details are withheld until meeting. Safety is enforced by a post-meeting review system and a user base of uniquely verified '.edu' college students.
Julian Contreras, Alex Markovits, Andrew Mikofalvy, Alex Torres
Freescape is a service that allows users to find new homes for used items on a friendly and easily navigable map interface. With just a few clicks, users can post items on Freescape for reuse within the MIT community. Freescape integrates with the already highly trafficked MIT ReUse email list, by parsing reuse emails and marking them on a map.
Donald Little, Grant Gunnison, Anji Ren, Jason Leung
Diginotes is an innovative solution to the reliance on posters to broadcast news. It makes use of geofencing and filtering to efficiently deliver local, targeted and relevant information to allow users to keep up-to-date on local topics of interest and to disseminate information. Diginotes replaces paper posters as an alternative mechanism for news-passing specific to the local environment.
Dylan Hallman, Sam Edson, Guillaume Kugener
NewsBrew is a customizable news flash generator. The application allows the user to generate customized news feeds on the go, pulling from a variety of sources and topics.
Bucket Lyst
Ankush Gupta, Victor Zhang, Kevin Wang, Lily Zhang
Our app allows users to share life events and accomplishments with friends. The intention is to allow friends to keep up with each other using shared experiences and goals. Hopefully, this will serve as a point of conversation that is based on actions and experiences. It also serves as a motivator to get people to pursue new experiences.
Tawanda Zimuto, Fidelis Chimomber, Eric Mansi
This is a digital diary. It helps people make diary entries using the video, audio or text. People can choose from any of these resources. The data is stored in the internal memory of the phone, so there little possibility the data can be accessed by other apps or other devices. Privacy is one of the main issues central to the design of the app.
Akhil Nistala, Quan Nguyen, Changping Chen, Richard Song
During our initial research, we realized that sport requests on current social media more often than not go ignored. We created FirstBase as an app solely catered to connecting individuals who want to play sports. Our app will be on the iOS platform. Our goal is to initially test FirstBase with those of the MIT community and surrounding Cambridge area, before expanding further.
Eugene Chen, Harrison Okun, Prafulla Dhariwal, Nikhil Buduma
Buzz is a social discovery application that helps people learn about what's going on in a particular location in real-time. Our service allows individuals to meet new people, discover nearby events, and learn about specials or discounts at local vendors or restaurants.
Bennett Cyphers, Katie Siegel, Harini Kannan
Bill splitting application that integrates Venmo and Square cash and detects people in close proximity.
Rebecca Greene, Steven Keyes, Evangelina Markatou, Marvin Romero
BoulderBeta is an app designed to search for climbing routes at specific locations. You can view a route's information, rate the route, and comment on it, as well. More features include being able to create routes, creating a profile, and being given recommendations for future routes.
Mikael Mengistu, Sabrina Drammis
Grind is a smart to do list that suggests to users what tasks they should work on first. It gathers information on the various tasks from the user, and calculates an urgency score for each item, and displays it all in a stylish UI