
Date Topic Reading (before class!) Assignment (due next class) Notes
2/6 Mobile Applications Overview: Overview of research areas in mobile applications. Discussion of the domains and structures of mobile applications. Discussion of how mobile technology is changing communication patterns. None Set up development environment. Begin work on project proposals. notes
2/13 J2ME Fundamentals: Differences from desktop java, file system, Bluetooth, network programming. Basic GUI programming using standard and custom components. Motorola V3x Developers Guide Build a simple network application on the phone by 3/6. Complete project proposal on 2/27. notes
2/27 Present Project Proposals: (Written project proposal due Thursday, March 1) None Complete network application, due next class.
3/6 Location GPS vs. Cell ID, accuracy, privacy, ZoneTag application. Review network app assigned 2/13. ZoneTag, PlaceIts, Motion Presence Write a program to determine the number of cells covering MIT's campus on your carrier. notes
3/13 Imaging: Practices around mobile image sharing, mobile computer vision, photo sharing Distant Closeness, Radar Create an application that captures a picture and does something interesting with it. notes maia's notes
3/20 Application Design: The process of user centered design as applied to mobile applications. Contextual Design, Paper Prototyping Create paper prototype of application. notes
4/3 Paper Prototyping: Test paper prototypes in class. None Develop a part of the final application as a reusable component that can be shared with the rest of the class.
4/10 Code Sharing: Present code module that can be shared with the rest of the class. None Continue working on final project.
4/24 TBA: final project triage. None Continue working on final project.
5/1, 5/8, 5/15 Final Presentations None Final written report due Friday, May 18, noon in Ed Barrett's office (14N-336).