Sean, having decided to drown the mouse, goes over to the sink and fills it up with water.  He looks down at the mouse in his hands, a feeling of sudden sympathy coming over him.
        "Bye, Mr. Mouse. We've had an interesting time together."
Joey laughs.
    The feeling quickly disappears. He holds the mouse over the sink.
        "In you go, hehe."
    Just as he is about to submerge it, Rachael walks in, excited.
        "Hey wait! I found this stuff with Jamie. It might dilute the glue." She says in a hurry.
Sean takes the bottle from her. He hesitates.
        "Drowning's more efficient. Quicker, no mess." Joey says. "Although I still think you're wasting your energy."
        "Are you sure you want to run your experiments on it? Make it into just another lab mouse, Rache? The stuff mightn ot work" Sean tells her.
        "Hmm. But drowning? That's pretty cruel. I guess if this stuff ends up burning it, it won't be such a great thing either. It might just make it worse." Rachael thinks out loud.