6.033: Computer System 

6.033: Computer System Engineering - Spring 2001

A FAQ for DP2 has been posted.

HKN will hand out surveys at the end of class on May 2 for the underground evaluation.

The LFS hands-on assignment has been updated to fix some bugs on Sun machines. Please download a new version of the code.

Quiz 2 Solutions have been posted.

An update to the course schedule has been published. The update fills in the details for the last couple of weeks of the term.

Update 1.12 for the class notes was handed out in lecture Wednesday, 4/18/2001, and copies will also be available in recitation on Thursday, 4/19/2001. In this update, page 6-47 was accidentally omitted, so adjust the update instructions to not discard page 6-47. (The content of that page did not change; it was supposed to be printed to maintain the front-back pagination.)

Design Project 1 comments have been posted.

Design Project 2 has been posted.

Slides/notes from the second review session (4/18) are here:

The TA's will be holding extended office hours on Wednesday and Thursday (4/18 and 4/19) in the 5th floor lounge of LCS. The current schedule is as follows (may change):
3-5: Josh, Peter
4-6: Dwaine

11-12: Michael
11-1: Frank
12-3: Tina
3-5: Oguz
4-6: Dwaine
4:30-6: Michael
6-7: Josh

Part 3a) of this week's hands-on assignment has been corrected. It now says:

"... make sure they use the page's network URL -- e.g., https://web.mit.edu/$USER/www/assignment6.html -- to ensure that the certificate mechanism is exercised."

It previously listed http://web.mit.edu/$USER/www/assignment6.html (not https://...) as the example URL, which does not exercise the certificate mechanism. Make sure to note the change when testing your restricted page.

Assignment 4 for the week before Spring break has been updated to assign the correct NAT readings. If you haven't read the NAT papers yet (perhaps because you were busy doing DP1), please read:

Updated versions of Thursday's reading assignments are available: Architectural Implications of NAT and Protocol Complications with the IP Netword Address Translator (NAT) If you haven't yet done the readings, please use the updated versions.

Slides from last Friday's writing lecture are available on the web.

The Writing Program will offer walk-in tutorials for DP1. The tutorials will be held:

  • Tuesday: 9-11 a.m., 1-3 p.m. and 3:30-4:30 p.m. in 14N-221A.
  • Wednesday: 12-6 p.m. in 14N-233

    A FAQ for design project 1 has been posted.

    The quiz solutions have been posted.

    The first design project has been posted.

    An errata for the course notes has been posted.

    Solutions to hands-on assignment 2, hands-on assignment 3, the traceroute hands-on, and the ping hands-on have been posted.

    The first quiz will be held Friday March 9. See the details in Handout 5

    The slides prepared by the TAs for the review session can be found here: complexity, virtual memory, and threads.

    An update to the notes was handed out that include the practice quiz problems. If you did not get a copy, you can pick one up from the course secretary's office (NE43-523).

    Important: 6.033 will hit the ground running on Tuesday, Feb. 6 (the first day of classes) by holding recitation section meetings that are not just organizational and administrative -- they will have real content as well.

    Attend the recitation section assigned by the registrar. During the first lecture, we will handout recitation sign up forms. On the form, try to pick a section with an instructor you have not had before. We will balance the sections after the first week or so.

    Lab: There is no lab component of 6.033 this year. If you are interested in a sytems lab, take Distributed Operating System Engineering (6.824) in the fall.

    To comply with faculty rules, the thrid 6.033 quiz will be held during finals week.


    Questions or comments regarding 6.033? Send e-mail to the TAs at 6.033-tas@mit.edu.
    Questions or comments about this web page? Send e-mail to 6.033-webmaster@mit.edu.

    Top // 6.033 home // Last updated $Date: 2001/05/16 20:19:59 $ by $Author: fdabek $