Spring 2016

Course Description

From the course catalog: 6.033 covers topics in the engineering of computer software and hardware systems: techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity using client-server design, virtual memory, and threads; networks; atomicity and coordination of parallel activities; recovery and reliability; privacy, security, and encryption; and impact of computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and readings from the current literature provide comparisons and contrasts. A single, semester-long design project. Students engage in extensive written communication exercises. Enrollment may be limited. 4 Engineering Design Points.

The 6.033 Curricular Goals Map gives a dynamic graphical display connecting the class outcomes with the outcomes of other subjects in the Course 6 curriculum.

Prerequisites: 6.004 and 6.02
Units: 5-1-6
Requirements satisfied: CI-M

According to the Communication Requirement webpage 6.033 satisfies CI-M for Course 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6P, and 18-C. If you are not in these programs, 6.033 does not satisfy the CI-M requirement for you.

Course Reviews

Reviews from the previous five iterations of 6.033 (require a MIT personal certificate): 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Course Meetings

6.033 has three components: lectures, recitations, and tutorials. We expect you to attend all three.

Lectures are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm-3:00pm in 26-100. In lectures, you will learn the big ideas in systems and see specific examples of how they're implemented.

Recitations are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, according to the below schedule. For the first recitation, attend whichever one you want. After that, you will be assigned a permanent section (look up your section assignment here). In recitations, you'll read and discuss papers describing successful systems.

Writing tutorials are held on Fridays, according to the below schedule. All tutorials occur at 1:00pm or 2:00pm; we will assign you timeslot during the first week of classes. Most of these tutorials will teach the communication theory and practices of this course, and assist you in preparing for the assignments. You'll become fluent in a variety of communication genres, develop strategies and skills needed to present technical concepts to different audiences, learn how to use writing to develop and deepen your technical understanding--and get specific, directed instruction on writing and presenting your 6.033 assignments. A handful of the tutorials will be dedicated to discussing the design project.

Recitations Tutorials
Section Time Location Instructor Time Instructor Location TA
R01 TR10 36-144 Matei Zaharia F1 or F2 Juergen Schoenstein / Michael Trice 34-303 Cathie Yun
R02 TR1 36-155 Michael Carbin F1 or F2 Nora Jackson / Janis Melvold 36-155 Steven Keyes
R03 TR2 34-302 Mark Day F1 or F2 Amy Carleton 5-233 Jodie Chen
R04 TR2 36-155 Peter Szolovits F1 or F2 24-121 Sumit Gogia
R05 TR1 35-310 Peter Szolovits F1 or F2 24-121 Sumit Gogia
R06 TR2 66-144 Michael Carbin F1 or F2 Nora Jackson / Janis Melvold 36-155 Steven Keyes
R07 TR10 34-302 Mark Day F1 or F2 Mary Caulfield 36-144 CK Ong
R08 TR10 26-168 Michael Yee F1 or F2 Linda Sutliff 34-304 Pratheek Nagaraj
R09 TR11 36-144 Matei Zaharia F1 or F2 Juergen Schoenstein / Michael Trice 34-303 Cathie Yun
R10 TR11 34-302 Mark Day F1 or F2 Mary Caulfield 36-144 CK Ong
R11 TR11 26-168 Michael Yee F1 or F2 Linda Sutliff 34-304 Pratheek Nagaraj
R12 TR12 34-304 Asaf Cohen F1 or F2 Jared Berezin 66-168 Anubhav Jain
R13 TR1 34-302 Mark Day F1 or F2 Amy Carleton 5-233 Jodie Chen
R14 TR1 34-304 Asaf Cohen F1 or F2 Jared Berezin 66-168 Anubhav Jain
R15 TR10 34-304 Karen Sollins F1 or F2 Rebecca Thorndike-Breeze / Jessie Stickgold-Sarah 26-314 Jacqui De Sa
R16 TR11 34-304 Karen Sollins F1 or F2 Rebecca Thorndike-Breeze / Jessie Stickgold-Sarah 26-314 Jacqui De Sa


Piazza: We'll use the 6.033 Piazza forum for Q&A and other discussions regarding the course. Please sign up, and check that page regularly.

Office hours: The TAs hold office hours according to the following schedule.

See Piazza for an updated office hours schedule for finals week.

DayOffice hourTALocation
Monday1:00pm-2:00pmJodie Chen26-142
4:00pm-5:00pmPratheek Nagaraj26-142
Tuesday3:00pm-4:00pmCathie Yun36-155
4:00pm-5:00pmRebecca Kekelishvili36-155
5:00pm-6:00pmSumit Gogia36-155
Wednesday1:00pm-2:00pmSteven Keyes26-142
3:00pm-4:00pmAnubhav Jain26-168
Thursday3:00pm-4:00pmJacqui De Sa26-210
Friday12:00pm-1:00pmRebecca Kekelishvili26-142
3:00pm-4:00pmCK Ong26-142

Staff Contact

Role Name Email Office
Lectures Katrina LaCurts 38-587
Recitations Michael Carbin 32-G730
Asaf Cohen 36-6171
Mark Day
Karen Sollins 32-G818
Peter Szolovits 32-254
Michael Yee
Matei Zaharia 32-G996
Tutorials Jared Berezin E39-372
Amy Carleton E39-378
Mary Caulfield E39-373
Nora Jackson E39-382
Janis Melvold 14N-322
Juergen Schoenstein E39-377
Jessie Stickgold-Sarah E39-370
Linda Sutliff E39-368
Rebecca Thorndike-Breeze E39-115AA
Michael Trice E39-370
Jodie Chen
Jacqui De Sa
Sumit Gogia
Anubhav Jain
Rebecca Kekelishvili
Steven Keyes
Pratheek Nagaraj
CK Ong
Cathie Yun

Course staff contact: To contact the course staff, please use Piazza unless you need to email a staff member individually. You can post a private question on Piazza if you do not want your communication to be visible to the other students in the class. You can also send us completely anonymous feedback here.

Questions or comments regarding 6.033? If you are a student, please post on Piazza. If not, send e-mail to the 6.033 staff at .

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