Lectures |
- L01: Digital Abstraction, 9/7/05 [PDF]
- L02: Logic Gates, 9/9/05 [PDF]
- L03: Logic Synthesis, 9/12/05 [PDF]
- L04: Introduction to Verilog, 9/14/05 [PDF]
- L05: Sequential Logic, 9/16/05 [PDF]
- L06: FSMs, 9/21/05 [PDF]
- L07: FSM/FPGA demo, 9/26/05 [PDF | zipfile of verilog | 16-digit hex display]
- L08: Memories, 9/28/05 [PDF]
- CI-M slides: 6.111 Papers [PDF]
- L09: Memories and System Integration , 9/30/05 [PDF]
- L10: Reconfigurable Logic, 10/3/05 [PDF]
- L11: Lab 3 & Final Project, 10/5/05 [PDF]
- L12: Arithmetic: Addition & Subtraction, 10/12/05 [PDF]
- L13: Arithmetic: Multiplication, 10/14/05 [PDF]
- L14: Analog Building Blocks, 10/17/05 [PDF]
- L15: Video Circuits, 10/19/05 [PDF]
- L16: Power, Fault tolerance, and quantum computation, 10/24/05 [PDF]
- L17: Verilog Events, FSMs++, FPGAs @ home, 10/26/05 [PDF]
Files for Spartan-3 Starter Board demos:
Lab 1 |
checkoff and report due 5pm on 9/23
- Lab 1 Handout [PDF]
- Lab 1 Report Template [PDF]
- lab1.v
- 74LS00 data sheet [PDF]
- 74LS04 data sheet [PDF]
- 74LS163 data sheet [PDF]
- 74LS393 data sheet [PDF]
- HCMOS Family Specifications [PDF]
- 7-segment LED pinout [PDF]
Lab 2 | |
Lab 3 | |
Lab 4 | |