Interface ClockContainer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
OneWireContainer04, OneWireContainer21, OneWireContainer24, OneWireContainer27, OneWireContainer26

public interface ClockContainer
extends OneWireSensor

Interface class for 1-Wire® devices that contain Real-Time clocks. This class should be implemented for each Clock type 1-Wire device.



ClockContainer extends com.dalsemi.onewire.container.OneWireSensor, so the general usage model applies to any ClockContainer:

  1. readDevice()
  2. perform operations on the ClockContainer
  3. writeDevice(byte[])

Consider this interaction with a ClockContainer that reads from the Real-Time clock, then tries to set it to the system's current clock setting before disabling the oscillator:

     //clockcontainer is a com.dalsemi.onewire.container.ClockContainer
     byte[] state = clockcontainer.readDevice();
     long current_time = clockcontainer.getClock(state);
     System.out.println("Current time is :"+(new Date(current_time)));
     long system_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

     //now try to disable to clock oscillator
     if (clockcontainer.canDisableClock())
          state = clockcontainer.readDevice();


0.00, 28 Aug 2000
See Also:
OneWireSensor, ADContainer, TemperatureContainer, PotentiometerContainer, SwitchContainer

Method Summary
 boolean canDisableClock()
          Checks to see if the clock can be disabled.
 long getClock(byte[] state)
          Extracts the Real-Time clock value in milliseconds.
 long getClockAlarm(byte[] state)
          Extracts the clock alarm value for the Real-Time clock.
 long getClockResolution()
          Gets the clock resolution in milliseconds.
 boolean hasClockAlarm()
          Checks to see if the clock has an alarm feature.
 boolean isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[] state)
          Checks if the clock alarm is enabled.
 boolean isClockAlarming(byte[] state)
          Checks if the clock alarm flag has been set.
 boolean isClockRunning(byte[] state)
          Checks if the device's oscillator is enabled.
 void setClock(long time, byte[] state)
          Sets the Real-Time clock.
 void setClockAlarm(long time, byte[] state)
          Sets the clock alarm.
 void setClockAlarmEnable(boolean alarmEnable, byte[] state)
          Enables or disables the clock alarm.
 void setClockRunEnable(boolean runEnable, byte[] state)
          Enables or disables the oscillator, turning the clock 'on' and 'off'.
Methods inherited from interface com.dalsemi.onewire.container.OneWireSensor
readDevice, writeDevice

Method Detail


public boolean hasClockAlarm()
Checks to see if the clock has an alarm feature.
true if the Real-Time clock has an alarm
See Also:
getClockAlarm(byte[]), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean canDisableClock()
Checks to see if the clock can be disabled.
true if the clock can be enabled and disabled
See Also:
isClockRunning(byte[]), setClockRunEnable(boolean,byte[])


public long getClockResolution()
Gets the clock resolution in milliseconds.
the clock resolution in milliseconds


public long getClock(byte[] state)
Extracts the Real-Time clock value in milliseconds.
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the time represented in this clock in milliseconds since 1970
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), setClock(long,byte[])


public long getClockAlarm(byte[] state)
                   throws OneWireException
Extracts the clock alarm value for the Real-Time clock.
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the set value of the clock alarm in milliseconds since 1970
OneWireException - if this device does not have clock alarms
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean isClockAlarming(byte[] state)
Checks if the clock alarm flag has been set. This will occur when the value of the Real-Time clock equals the value of the clock alarm.
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
true if the Real-Time clock is alarming
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[] state)
Checks if the clock alarm is enabled.
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
true if clock alarm is enabled
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarming(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean isClockRunning(byte[] state)
Checks if the device's oscillator is enabled. The clock will not increment if the clock oscillator is not enabled.
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
true if the clock is running
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), canDisableClock(), setClockRunEnable(boolean,byte[])


public void setClock(long time,
                     byte[] state)
Sets the Real-Time clock. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice().
time - new value for the Real-Time clock, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), getClock(byte[])


public void setClockAlarm(long time,
                          byte[] state)
                   throws OneWireException
Sets the clock alarm. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(). Also note that not all clock devices have alarms. Check to see if this device has alarms first by calling the hasClockAlarm() method.
time - - new value for the Real-Time clock alarm, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
OneWireException - if this device does not have clock alarms
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public void setClockRunEnable(boolean runEnable,
                              byte[] state)
                       throws OneWireException
Enables or disables the oscillator, turning the clock 'on' and 'off'. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(). Also note that not all clock devices can disable their oscillators. Check to see if this device can disable its oscillator first by calling the canDisableClock() method.
runEnable - true to enable the clock oscillator
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
OneWireException - if the clock oscillator cannot be disabled
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), canDisableClock(), isClockRunning(byte[])


public void setClockAlarmEnable(boolean alarmEnable,
                                byte[] state)
                         throws OneWireException
Enables or disables the clock alarm. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(). Also note that not all clock devices have alarms. Check to see if this device has alarms first by calling the hasClockAlarm() method.
alarmEnable - true to enable the clock alarm
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
OneWireException - if this device does not have clock alarms
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[])