Class OneWireContainer21

All Implemented Interfaces:
ClockContainer, OneWireSensor, TemperatureContainer

public class OneWireContainer21
extends OneWireContainer
implements TemperatureContainer, ClockContainer

1-Wire® container for a Thermocron iButton, DS1921. This container encapsulates the functionality of the 1-Wire family type 21 (hex).



The memory can be accessed through the objects that are returned from the getMemoryBanks method.

The following is a list of the MemoryBank instances that are returned:


The code below starts a mission with the following characteristics:

This code also ensures that the Thermocron's clock is set to run, and that the clock alarm is enabled.

       // "ID" is a byte array of size 8 with an address of a part we
       // have already found with family code 12 hex
       // "access" is a DSPortAdapter
       OneWireContainer21 ds1921 = (OneWireContainer21) access.getDeviceContainer(ID);
       //  ds1921 previously setup as a OneWireContainer21
       //  read the current state of the device
       byte[] state = ds1921.readDevice();
       //  enable rollover
       ds1921.setFlag(ds1921.CONTROL_REGISTER, ds1921.ROLLOVER_ENABLE_FLAG, true, state);
       //  set the high temperature alarm to 28 C
       ds1921.setTemperatureAlarm(ds1921.ALARM_HIGH, 28.0, state);
       //  set the low temperature alarm to 23 C
       ds1921.setTemperatureAlarm(ds1921.ALARM_LOW, 23.0, state);
       //  set the clock alarm to occur weekly, Mondays at 12:30:45 pm
       ds1921.setClockAlarm(12, 30, 45, 2, ds1921.ONCE_PER_WEEK, state);
       //  set the real time clock to the system's current clock
       ds1921.setClock((new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).getTime(), state);
       //  set the mission to start in 2 minutes
       //  make sure the clock is set to run
       ds1921.setClockRunEnable(true, state);
       //  make sure the clock alarm is enabled
       ds1921.setClockAlarmEnable(true, state);
       //  write all that information out
       //  now enable the mission with a sample rate of 1 minute

The following code processes the temperature log:

       byte[] state = ds1921.readDevice();
       byte[] log = ds1921.getTemperatureLog(state);
       Calendar time_stamp = ds1921.getMissionTimeStamp(state);
       long time = time_stamp.getTime().getTime() + ds1921.getFirstLogOffset(state);
       int sample_rate = ds1921.getSampleRate(state);

       System.out.println("TEMPERATURE LOG");

       for (int i=0;i < log.length;i++)
           System.out.println("- Temperature recorded at  : "+(new Date(time)));
           System.out.println("-                     was  : "+ds1921.decodeTemperature(log[i])+" C");
           time += sample_rate * 60 * 1000;

The following code processes the alarm histories:

       byte[] high_history = ds1921.getAlarmHistory(ds1921.TEMPERATURE_HIGH_ALARM);
       byte[] low_history = ds1921.getAlarmHistory(ds1921.TEMPERATURE_LOW_ALARM);
       int sample_rate = ds1921.getSampleRate(state);
       int start_offset, violation_count;
       System.out.println("ALARM HISTORY");
       if (low_history.length==0)
           System.out.println("- No violations against the low temperature alarm.");
       for (int i=0;i < low_history.length/4; i++)
           start_offset = (low_history [i * 4] & 0x0ff)
                     | ((low_history [i * 4 + 1] << 8) & 0x0ff00)
                     | ((low_history [i * 4 + 2] << 16) & 0x0ff0000);
           violation_count = 0x0ff & low_history[i*4+3];
           System.out.println("- Low alarm started at     : "+(start_offset * sample_rate));
           System.out.println("-                          : Lasted "+(violation_count * sample_rate)+" minutes");
       if (high_history.length==0)
           System.out.println("- No violations against the high temperature alarm.");
       for (int i=0;i < high_history.length/4; i++)
           start_offset = (high_history [i * 4] & 0x0ff)
                     | ((high_history [i * 4 + 1] << 8) & 0x0ff00)
                     | ((high_history [i * 4 + 2] << 16) & 0x0ff0000);
           violation_count = 0x0ff & high_history[i*4+3];
           System.out.println("- High alarm started at    : "+(start_offset * sample_rate));
           System.out.println("-                          : Lasted "+(violation_count * sample_rate)+" minutes");

The following code processes the temperature histogram:

       int[] histogram = ds1921.getTemperatureHistogram();
       int start = -40;
       System.out.println("TEMPERATURE HISTOGRAM");
       for (int i=0;i < histogram.length;i++)
           System.out.println("- Histogram entry          : "+histogram[i]+
                       " at temperature "+((double)start)+ " to "+
                       ((double)start+1.5)+" C");
           start += 2;

Also see the usage examples in the TemperatureContainer and ClockContainer interfaces.

For examples regarding memory operations,

Also visit for links to more sources on the DS1921 Thermocron.

0.00, 28 Aug 2000
See Also:
OneWireSensor, SwitchContainer, TemperatureContainer

Field Summary
          Address of the control register.
          CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: Must be enabled to allow a clear memory function.
          STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true if the memory has been cleared.
          CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When DISABLED, the mission will start as soon as the sample rate is written.
          STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a mission is in progress.
static byte ONCE_PER_DAY
          Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method.
static byte ONCE_PER_HOUR
          Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method.
static byte ONCE_PER_MINUTE
          Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method.
static byte ONCE_PER_SECOND
          Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method.
static byte ONCE_PER_WEEK
          Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method.
          CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When DISABLED, the real time clock will start working.
          CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will begin overwriting the earlier temperature measurements when the temperature log memory becomes full.
          STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a mission temperature conversion is in progress
          Address of the status register.
          STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true if a temperature conversion of any kind is in progress.
          CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will respond to conditional search command if the temperature has reached the high temperature threshold.
          CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will respond to conditional search command if the temperature has reached the low temperature threshold.
          High temperature alarm value for the methods getAlarmStatus(), getAlarmHistory(), and setTemperatureAlarm().
          STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when the temperature during a mission reaches or exceeds the temperature high threshold.
          Low temperature alarm value for the methods getAlarmStatus(), getAlarmHistory(), and setTemperatureAlarm().
          STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a temperature equal to or below the low temperature threshold was detected on a mission.
static byte TIMER_ALARM
          Clock alarm value for the methods getAlarmStatus() and isClockAlarming().
static byte TIMER_ALARM_FLAG
          STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a clock alarm has occurred.
          CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will respond to conditional search command if a timer alarm has occurred.
Fields inherited from interface com.dalsemi.onewire.container.TemperatureContainer
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton.
OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, byte[] newAddress)
          Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton.
OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, long newAddress)
          Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton.
OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, String newAddress)
          Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton.
Method Summary
 boolean canDisableClock()
          Checks to see if the clock can be disabled.
 void clearMemory()
          Clears the memory of any previous mission.
 double decodeTemperature(byte tempByte)
          Converts a temperature from the DS1921 byte encoded format to degrees Celsius.
 void disableMission()
          Ends this DS1921's running mission.
 void doTemperatureConvert(byte[] state)
          Performs a temperature conversion.
 void enableMission(int sampleRate)
          Begins this DS1921's mission.
 byte encodeTemperature(double temperature)
          Converts a temperature in degrees Celsius to a byte formatted for the DS1921.
 byte[] getAlarmHistory(byte alarmBit)
          Returns an array containing the alarm log.
 boolean getAlarmStatus(byte alarmBit, byte[] state)
          Returns true if the specified alarm has been triggered.
 Calendar getAlarmTime(byte[] state)
          Gets the clock alarm time settings.
 String getAlternateNames()
          Retrieves the alternate Dallas Semiconductor part numbers or names.
 long getClock(byte[] state)
          Extracts the Real-Time clock value in milliseconds.
 long getClockAlarm(byte[] state)
          Extracts the clock alarm value for the Real-Time clock.
 long getClockResolution()
          Gets the clock resolution in milliseconds
 String getDescription()
          Gets a short description of the function of this iButton or 1-Wire Device type.
 int getDeviceSamplesCounter(byte[] state)
          Determines the total number of samples taken by this Thermocron.
 long getFirstLogOffset(byte[] state)
          Helps determine the times for values in a temperature log.
 boolean getFlag(int register, byte bitMask)
          Gets the status of the specified flag from the specified register.
 boolean getFlag(int register, byte bitMask, byte[] state)
          Gets the status of the specified flag from the specified register.
 int getMaxSpeed()
          Returns the maximum speed this iButton device can communicate at.
 double getMaxTemperature()
          Gets the maximum temperature in Celsius.
 Enumeration getMemoryBanks()
          Gets an enumeration of memory bank instances that implement one or more of the following interfaces: MemoryBank, PagedMemoryBank, and OTPMemoryBank.
 double getMinTemperature()
          Gets the minimum temperature in Celsius.
 int getMissionSamplesCounter(byte[] state)
          Determines the number of samples taken on this mission.
 Calendar getMissionTimeStamp(byte[] state)
          Returns the date and time that the last mission was started.
 String getName()
          Gets the Dallas Semiconductor part number of the iButton or 1-Wire Device as a java.lang.String.
 int getSampleRate(byte[] state)
          Returns the rate at which the DS1921 takes temperature samples.
 double getTemperature(byte[] state)
          Gets the temperature value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
 double getTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType, byte[] state)
          Gets the specified temperature alarm value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
 double getTemperatureAlarmResolution()
          Gets the temperature alarm resolution in Celsius.
 int[] getTemperatureHistogram()
          Returns an array of the 63 counter bins holding the DS1921 histogram data.
 byte[] getTemperatureLog(byte[] state)
          Returns the log of temperature measurements.
 double getTemperatureResolution(byte[] state)
          Gets the current temperature resolution in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
 double[] getTemperatureResolutions()
          Get an array of available temperature resolutions in Celsius.
 boolean hasClockAlarm()
          Checks to see if the clock has an alarm feature.
 boolean hasSelectableTemperatureResolution()
          Checks to see if this device has selectable temperature resolution.
 boolean hasTemperatureAlarms()
          Checks to see if this temperature measuring device has high/low trip alarms.
 boolean isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[] state)
          Checks if the clock alarm is enabled.
 boolean isClockAlarming(byte[] state)
          Checks if the clock alarm flag has been set.
 boolean isClockRunning(byte[] state)
          Checks if the device's oscillator is enabled.
 byte readByte(int memAddr)
          Reads a single byte from the DS1921.
 byte[] readDevice()
          Retrieves the 1-Wire device sensor state.
 void setClock(long time, byte[] state)
          Sets the Real-Time clock.
 void setClockAlarm(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int day, int alarmFrequency, byte[] state)
          Set the DS1921's alarm clock.
 void setClockAlarm(long time, byte[] state)
          Sets the clock alarm.
 void setClockAlarmEnable(boolean alarmEnable, byte[] state)
          Enables or disables the clock alarm.
 void setClockRunEnable(boolean runEnable, byte[] state)
          Enables or disables the oscillator, turning the clock 'on' and 'off'.
 void setFlag(int register, byte bitMask, boolean flagValue)
          Sets the status of the specified flag in the specified register.
 void setFlag(int register, byte bitMask, boolean flagValue, byte[] state)
          Sets the status of the specified flag in the specified register.
 void setMissionStartDelay(int missionStartDelay, byte[] state)
          Sets the time to wait before starting the mission.
 void setSpeedCheck(boolean doSpeedCheck)
          Directs the container to avoid the calls to doSpeed() in methods that communicate with the Thermocron.
 void setTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType, double alarmValue, byte[] state)
          Sets the temperature alarm value in Celsius in the provided state data.
 void setTemperatureResolution(double resolution, byte[] state)
          Sets the current temperature resolution in Celsius in the provided state data.
 void writeByte(int memAddr, byte source)
          Writes a byte of data into the DS1921's memory.
 void writeDevice(byte[] state)
          Writes the 1-Wire device sensor state that have been changed by 'set' methods.
Methods inherited from class com.dalsemi.onewire.container.OneWireContainer
doSpeed, getAdapter, getAddress, getAddressAsLong, getAddressAsString, isAlarming, isPresent, setSpeed, setupContainer, setupContainer, setupContainer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int STATUS_REGISTER
Address of the status register. Used with the getFlag and setFlag methods to set and check flags indicating the Thermochron's status.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final int CONTROL_REGISTER
Address of the control register. Used with the getFlag and setFlag methods to set and check flags indicating the Thermochron's status.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte ONCE_PER_SECOND
Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method. If the DS1921 Thermocron alarm is enabled and is not alarming, it will alarm on the next Real-Time Clock second.
See Also:


public static final byte ONCE_PER_MINUTE
Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method. If the DS1921 Thermocron alarm is enabled and is not alarming, it will alarm the next time the Real-Time Clock's 'second' value is equal to the Alarm Clock's 'second' value.
See Also:


public static final byte ONCE_PER_HOUR
Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method. If the DS1921 Thermocron alarm is enabled and is not alarming, it will alarm the next time the Real-Time Clock's 'second' and 'minute' values are equal to the Alarm Clock's 'second' and 'minute' values.
See Also:


public static final byte ONCE_PER_DAY
Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method. If the DS1921 Thermocron alarm is enabled and is not alarming, it will alarm the next time the Real-Time Clock's 'second', 'minute', and 'hour' values are equal to the Alarm Clock's 'second', 'minute', and 'hour' values.
See Also:


public static final byte ONCE_PER_WEEK
Alarm frequency setting for the setClockAlarm() method. If the DS1921 Thermocron alarm is enabled and is not alarming, it will alarm the next time the Real-Time Clock's 'second', 'minute', 'hour', and 'day of week' values are equal to the Alarm Clock's 'second', 'minute', 'hour', and 'day of week' values
See Also:


public static final byte TEMPERATURE_LOW_ALARM
Low temperature alarm value for the methods getAlarmStatus(), getAlarmHistory(), and setTemperatureAlarm().
See Also:
getAlarmStatus(byte,byte[]), getAlarmHistory(byte), setTemperatureAlarm(int,double,byte[])


public static final byte TEMPERATURE_HIGH_ALARM
High temperature alarm value for the methods getAlarmStatus(), getAlarmHistory(), and setTemperatureAlarm().
See Also:
getAlarmStatus(byte,byte[]), getAlarmHistory(byte), setTemperatureAlarm(int,double,byte[])


public static final byte TIMER_ALARM
Clock alarm value for the methods getAlarmStatus() and isClockAlarming().
See Also:
getAlarmStatus(byte,byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[])


public static final byte TIMER_ALARM_SEARCH_FLAG
CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will respond to conditional search command if a timer alarm has occurred.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte TEMP_HIGH_SEARCH_FLAG
CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will respond to conditional search command if the temperature has reached the high temperature threshold.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte TEMP_LOW_SEARCH_FLAG
CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will respond to conditional search command if the temperature has reached the low temperature threshold.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte ROLLOVER_ENABLE_FLAG
CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When enabled, the device will begin overwriting the earlier temperature measurements when the temperature log memory becomes full.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte MISSION_ENABLE_FLAG
CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When DISABLED, the mission will start as soon as the sample rate is written.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte MEMORY_CLEAR_ENABLE_FLAG
CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: Must be enabled to allow a clear memory function. Must be set immediately before the command is issued.
See Also:
clearMemory(), getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte OSCILLATOR_ENABLE_FLAG
CONTROL REGISTER FLAG: When DISABLED, the real time clock will start working. Must be disabled for normal operation.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public static final byte TIMER_ALARM_FLAG
STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a clock alarm has occurred.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte)


public static final byte TEMPERATURE_HIGH_FLAG
STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when the temperature during a mission reaches or exceeds the temperature high threshold.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte)


public static final byte TEMPERATURE_LOW_FLAG
STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a temperature equal to or below the low temperature threshold was detected on a mission.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte)


public static final byte SAMPLE_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG
STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a mission temperature conversion is in progress
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte)


public static final byte MISSION_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG
STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true when a mission is in progress.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte)


public static final byte MEMORY_CLEARED_FLAG
STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true if the memory has been cleared.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte)


public static final byte TEMP_CORE_BUSY_FLAG
STATUS REGISTER FLAG: Will read back true if a temperature conversion of any kind is in progress.
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), getFlag(int,byte)
Constructor Detail


public OneWireContainer21()
Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton. Note that the method setupContainer(DSPortAdapter,byte[]) must be called to set the correct DSPortAdapter device address.
See Also:
setupContainer(DSPortAdapter,byte[]), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,byte[]), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,long), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,String)


public OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter,
                          byte[] newAddress)
Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton.
sourceAdapter - adapter object required to communicate with this iButton
newAddress - address of this DS1921
See Also:
OneWireContainer21(), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,long), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,String)


public OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter,
                          long newAddress)
Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton.
sourceAdapter - adapter object required to communicate with this iButton
newAddress - address of this DS1921
See Also:
OneWireContainer21(), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,byte[]), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,String)


public OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter,
                          String newAddress)
Creates a new OneWireContainer for communication with a DS1921 Thermocron iButton.
sourceAdapter - adapter object required to communicate with this iButton
newAddress - address of this DS1921
See Also:
OneWireContainer21(), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,long), OneWireContainer21(DSPortAdapter,String)
Method Detail


public Enumeration getMemoryBanks()
Gets an enumeration of memory bank instances that implement one or more of the following interfaces: MemoryBank, PagedMemoryBank, and OTPMemoryBank.
getMemoryBanks in class OneWireContainer
Enumeration of memory banks


public int getMaxSpeed()
Returns the maximum speed this iButton device can communicate at.
getMaxSpeed in class OneWireContainer
maximum speed
See Also:


public String getName()
Gets the Dallas Semiconductor part number of the iButton or 1-Wire Device as a java.lang.String. For example "DS1992".
getName in class OneWireContainer
iButton or 1-Wire device name


public String getAlternateNames()
Retrieves the alternate Dallas Semiconductor part numbers or names. A 'family' of MicroLAN devices may have more than one part number depending on packaging. There can also be nicknames such as "Crypto iButton".
getAlternateNames in class OneWireContainer
the alternate names for this iButton or 1-Wire device


public String getDescription()
Gets a short description of the function of this iButton or 1-Wire Device type.
getDescription in class OneWireContainer
device description


public void setSpeedCheck(boolean doSpeedCheck)
Directs the container to avoid the calls to doSpeed() in methods that communicate with the Thermocron. To ensure that all parts can talk to the 1-Wire bus at their desired speed, each method contains a call to doSpeed(). However, this is an expensive operation. If a user manages the bus speed in an application, call this method with doSpeedCheck as false. The default behavior is to call doSpeed().
doSpeedCheck - true for doSpeed() to be called before every 1-Wire bus access, false to skip this expensive call
See Also:


public double decodeTemperature(byte tempByte)
Converts a temperature from the DS1921 byte encoded format to degrees Celsius. The raw temperature readings are unsigned byte values, representing a 2.0 degree accuracy.
tempByte - raw DS1921 temperature reading
temperature in degrees Celsius
See Also:


public byte encodeTemperature(double temperature)
Converts a temperature in degrees Celsius to a byte formatted for the DS1921.
temperature - the temperature (Celsius) to convert
the temperature in raw DS1921 format
See Also:


public void writeByte(int memAddr,
                      byte source)
               throws OneWireIOException,
Writes a byte of data into the DS1921's memory. Note that writing to the register page while a mission is in progress ends that mission. Also note that the preferred way to write a page is through the MemoryBank objects returned from the getMemoryBanks() method.
memAddr - the address for writing (in the range of 0x200-0x21F)
source - the data byte to write
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:
readByte(int), getMemoryBanks()


public byte readByte(int memAddr)
              throws OneWireIOException,
Reads a single byte from the DS1921. Note that the preferred manner of reading from the DS1921 Thermocron is through the readDevice() method or through the MemoryBank objects returned in the getMemoryBanks() method.
memAddr - the address to read from (in the range of 0x200-0x21F)
the data byte read
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:
writeByte(int,byte), readDevice(), getMemoryBanks()


public boolean getFlag(int register,
                       byte bitMask)
                throws OneWireIOException,

Gets the status of the specified flag from the specified register. This method actually communicates with the Thermocron. To improve performance if you intend to make multiple calls to this method, first call readDevice() and use the getFlag(int, byte, byte[]) method instead.

The DS1921 Thermocron has two sets of flags. One set belongs to the control register. When reading from the control register, valid values for bitMask are:

When reading from the status register, valid values for bitMask are:

register - address of register containing the flag (valid values are CONTROL_REGISTER and STATUS_REGISTER)
bitMask - the flag to read (see above for available options)
the status of the flag, where true signifies a "1" and false signifies a "0"
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:


public boolean getFlag(int register,
                       byte bitMask,
                       byte[] state)

Gets the status of the specified flag from the specified register. This method is the preferred manner of reading the control and status flags.

For more information on valid values for the bitMask parameter, see the getFlag(int,byte) method.

register - address of register containing the flag (valid values are CONTROL_REGISTER and STATUS_REGISTER)
bitMask - the flag to read (see getFlag(int,byte) for available options)
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the status of the flag, where true signifies a "1" and false signifies a "0"
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte), readDevice(), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[])


public void setFlag(int register,
                    byte bitMask,
                    boolean flagValue)
             throws OneWireIOException,

Sets the status of the specified flag in the specified register. If a mission is in progress a OneWireIOException will be thrown (one cannot write to the registers while a mission is commencing). This method actually communicates with the DS1921 Thermocron. To improve performance if you intend to make multiple calls to this method, first call readDevice() and use the setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[]) method instead.

For more information on valid values for the bitMask parameter, see the getFlag(int,byte) method.

register - address of register containing the flag (valid values are CONTROL_REGISTER and STATUS_REGISTER)
bitMask - the flag to read (see getFlag(int,byte) for available options)
flagValue - new value for the flag (true is logic "1")
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'. In the case of the DS1921 Thermocron, this could also be due to a currently running mission.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte), getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), setFlag(int,byte,boolean,byte[]), readDevice()


public void setFlag(int register,
                    byte bitMask,
                    boolean flagValue,
                    byte[] state)

Sets the status of the specified flag in the specified register. If a mission is in progress a OneWireIOException will be thrown (one cannot write to the registers while a mission is commencing). This method is the preferred manner of setting the DS1921 status and control flags. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice().

For more information on valid values for the bitMask parameter, see the getFlag(int,byte) method.

register - address of register containing the flag (valid values are CONTROL_REGISTER and STATUS_REGISTER)
bitMask - the flag to read (see getFlag(int,byte) for available options)
flagValue - new value for the flag (true is logic "1")
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
See Also:
getFlag(int,byte), getFlag(int,byte,byte[]), setFlag(int,byte,boolean), readDevice(), writeDevice(byte[])


public void enableMission(int sampleRate)
                   throws OneWireIOException,

Begins this DS1921's mission. If a mission is already in progress, this will throw a OneWireIOException. The mission will wait the number of minutes specified by the mission start delay (use setMissionStartDelay()) before beginning.

Note that this method actually communicates with the DS1921 Thermocron. No call to writeDevice() is required to finalize mission enabling. However, some flags (such as the mission start delay) may need to be set with a call to writeDevice() before the mission is enabled. See the usage section above for an example of starting a mission.

sampleRate - the number of minutes to wait in between temperature samples (valid values are 1 to 255)
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'. In the case of the DS1921 Thermocron, this could also be due to a currently running mission.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:
disableMission(), setMissionStartDelay(int,byte[]), writeDevice(byte[])


public void disableMission()
                    throws OneWireIOException,
Ends this DS1921's running mission. Note that this method actually communicates with the DS1921 Thermocron. No additional call to writeDevice(byte[]) is required.
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:


public void setMissionStartDelay(int missionStartDelay,
                                 byte[] state)

Sets the time to wait before starting the mission. The DS1921 will sleep missionStartDelay minutes after the mission is enabled with enableMission(int), then begin taking samples. Only the least significant 16 bits of missionStartDelay are relevant.

The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice().

missionStartDelay - the time in minutes to delay the first sample
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
See Also:
readDevice(), writeDevice(byte[]), enableMission(int)


public void clearMemory()
                 throws OneWireIOException,

Clears the memory of any previous mission. The memory must be cleared before setting up a new mission. If a mission is in progress a OneWireIOException is thrown.

The Clear Memory command clears the Thermocron's memory at address 220h and higher. It also clears the sample rate, mission start delay, mission time stamp, and mission samples counter.

Note that this method actually communicates with the DS1921 Thermocron. No call to writeDevice(byte[]) is necessary to finalize this activity.

OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'. In the case of the DS1921 Thermocron, this could also be due to a currently running mission.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:
enableMission(int), writeDevice(byte[])


public Calendar getAlarmTime(byte[] state)

Gets the clock alarm time settings. The alarm settings used by the Thermocron are Hour, Minute, Second, and Day of Week. Note that not all values in the returned java.util.Calendar object are valid. Only four values in the Calendar should be used. The field names for these values are:


To access these fields, use the method Calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR). The hour is reported in 24-hour format. Use the method getClockAlarm(byte[]) to find out the next time an alarm event will occur.

state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the alarm clock time and day of the week
See Also:
setClockAlarm(int,int,int,int,int,byte[]), readDevice(), getClockAlarm(byte[])


public void setClockAlarm(int hours,
                          int minutes,
                          int seconds,
                          int day,
                          int alarmFrequency,
                          byte[] state)
Set the DS1921's alarm clock. Some of the parameters might be unimportant depending on the alarm frequency setting. For instance, if the alarm frequency setting is ONCE_PER_MINUTE, then the hour argument is irrelevant.

Valid values for alarmFrequency are:


The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice().

hours - the hour of the day (0-23)
minutes - the minute setting (0-59)
seconds - the second setting (0-59)
day - the day of the week (1-7, 1==Sunday)
alarmFrequency - frequency that the alarm should occur at
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
See Also:
readDevice(), writeDevice(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), ONCE_PER_SECOND, ONCE_PER_MINUTE, ONCE_PER_HOUR, ONCE_PER_DAY, ONCE_PER_WEEK


public int getSampleRate(byte[] state)
Returns the rate at which the DS1921 takes temperature samples. This rate is set when the mission is enabled (in the method enableMission(int).
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the time, in minutes, between temperature readings
See Also:
enableMission(int), readDevice()


public int getMissionSamplesCounter(byte[] state)
Determines the number of samples taken on this mission. Only the last 2048 samples appear in the Thermocron's log, though all readings from the current mission are logged in the histogram.
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the number of samples taken in the current mission
See Also:
readDevice(), getDeviceSamplesCounter(byte[])


public int getDeviceSamplesCounter(byte[] state)

Determines the total number of samples taken by this Thermocron. This includes samples taken in past missions. It also includes 'forced' readings. A 'forced' reading refers to a reading taken when the Thermocron does not have a running mission and is instructed to read the current temperature.

The DS1921 Thermocron is tested to last for 1 million temperature readings.

state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the total number of measurements taken by this Thermocron
See Also:
readDevice(), getMissionSamplesCounter(byte[])


public Calendar getMissionTimeStamp(byte[] state)
Returns the date and time that the last mission was started. The values in the java.util.Calendar object are fully specified. In other words, the year, month, date, hour, minute, and second are all valid in the returned object.
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the date and time that the last mission was started
See Also:


public long getFirstLogOffset(byte[] state)

Helps determine the times for values in a temperature log. If rollover is enabled, temperature log entries will over-write previous entries once more than 2048 logs are written. The returned value can be added to the underlying millisecond value of getMissionTimeStamp() to determine the time that the 'first' log entry actually occurred.

      //ds1921 is a OneWireContainer21
      byte[] state = ds1921.readDevice();
      Calendar c = ds1921.getMissionTimeStamp(state);
      //find the time for the first log entry
      long first_entry = c.getTime().getTime();
      first_entry += ds1921.getFirstLogOffset(state);
      . . .

Be cautious of Java's Daylight Savings Time offsets when using this function--if you use the Date or Calendar class to print this out, Java may try to automatically format the java.lang.String to handle Daylight Savings Time, resulting in offset by 1 hour problems.

state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
milliseconds between the beginning of the mission and the time of the first log entry reported from getTemperatureLog()
See Also:
readDevice(), getMissionTimeStamp(byte[]), getTemperatureLog(byte[])


public byte[] getTemperatureLog(byte[] state)
                         throws OneWireIOException,

Returns the log of temperature measurements. Each byte in the returned array is an independent sample. Use the method decodeTemperature(byte) to get the double value of the encoded temperature. See the DS1921 datasheet for more on the data's encoding scheme. The array's length equals the number of measurements taken thus far. The temperature log can be read while a mission is still in progress.

Note that although this method takes the device state as a parameter, this method still must communicate directly with the Thermocron to read the log.

state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the DS1921's encoded temperature log
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:
decodeTemperature(byte), readDevice(), getFirstLogOffset(byte[]), getMissionTimeStamp(byte[])


public int[] getTemperatureHistogram()
                              throws OneWireIOException,

Returns an array of the 63 counter bins holding the DS1921 histogram data. For the temperature histogram the DS1921 provides 63 bins that each consist of a 16-bit, non rolling-over binary counter that is incremented each time a temperature value acquired during a mission falls into the range of the bin. The bin to be updated is determined by cutting off the two least significant bits of the binary temperature value. Thus Bin 0 will hold the counter for temperatures ranging from -40 to -38.5 (Celsius) and lower. Bin 1 is associated with the range of -38 to 36.5 and so on. Bin 62 is the final bin, and it holds temperature values of 84 degrees and higher. The temperature histogram can be read while a mission is still in progress.

the 63 temperature counters
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter


public boolean getAlarmStatus(byte alarmBit,
                              byte[] state)
Returns true if the specified alarm has been triggered. Valid values for the alarmBit parameter are:
alarmBit - the alarm to check
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
if the specified alarm has been triggered
See Also:


public byte[] getAlarmHistory(byte alarmBit)
                       throws OneWireIOException,

Returns an array containing the alarm log. The DS1921 contains two separate alarm logs. One for the high temperature alarm and one for the low temperature alarm. Each log can store up to 12 log entries and each log entry will record up to 255 consecutive alarm violations.

The returned array is not altered from its representation on the DS1921 Thermocron. It is therefore up to the caller to interpret the data. The number of logs in this alarm history is equal to the array length divided by 4, since each entry is 4 bytes. The first three bytes are the number of samples into the mission that the alarm occurred. The fourth byte is the number of consecutive samples that violated the alarm. To extract the starting offset and number of violations from the array:

       byte[] data = ds1921.getAlarmHistory(OneWireContainer21.TEMPERATURE_HIGH_ALARM);
       int start_offset;
       int violation_count;
       . . .
       for (int i=0;i < data.length/4; i++)
           start_offset = (data [i * 4] & 0x0ff)
                     | ((data [i * 4 + 1] << 8) & 0x0ff00)
                     | ((data [i * 4 + 2] << 16) & 0x0ff0000);
           violation_count = 0x0ff & data[i*4+3];

           . . .

           // note: you may find it useful to multiply start_offset
           //       by getSampleRate() in order to get the number of
           //       minutes into the mission that the violation occurred
           //       on.  You can do the same with violation_count
           //       to determine how long the violation lasted.

Acceptable values for the alarmBit parameter are:


alarmBit - the alarm log to get
the time/duration of the alarm (see above for the structure of the array)
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:


public byte[] readDevice()
                  throws OneWireIOException,
Retrieves the 1-Wire device sensor state. This state is returned as a byte array. Pass this byte array to the 'get' and 'set' methods. If the device state needs to be changed then call the 'writeDevice' to finalize the changes.
Specified by:
readDevice in interface OneWireSensor
1-Wire device sensor state
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter


public void writeDevice(byte[] state)
                 throws OneWireIOException,
Writes the 1-Wire device sensor state that have been changed by 'set' methods. Only the state registers that changed are updated. This is done by referencing a field information appended to the state data.
Specified by:
writeDevice in interface OneWireSensor
state - 1-Wire device sensor state
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter


public boolean hasTemperatureAlarms()
Checks to see if this temperature measuring device has high/low trip alarms.
Specified by:
hasTemperatureAlarms in interface TemperatureContainer
true if this TemperatureContainer has high/low trip alarms
See Also:
getTemperatureAlarm(int, byte[]), setTemperatureAlarm(int, double, byte[])


public boolean hasSelectableTemperatureResolution()
Checks to see if this device has selectable temperature resolution.
Specified by:
hasSelectableTemperatureResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
true if this TemperatureContainer has selectable temperature resolution
See Also:
getTemperatureResolution(byte[]), getTemperatureResolutions(), setTemperatureResolution(double, byte[])


public double[] getTemperatureResolutions()
Get an array of available temperature resolutions in Celsius.
Specified by:
getTemperatureResolutions in interface TemperatureContainer
byte array of available temperature resolutions in Celsius with minimum resolution as the first element and maximum resolution as the last element
See Also:
hasSelectableTemperatureResolution(), getTemperatureResolution(byte[]), setTemperatureResolution(double, byte[])


public double getTemperatureAlarmResolution()
Gets the temperature alarm resolution in Celsius.
Specified by:
getTemperatureAlarmResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
temperature alarm resolution in Celsius for this 1-wire device
See Also:
hasTemperatureAlarms(), getTemperatureAlarm(int, byte[]), setTemperatureAlarm(int, double, byte[])


public double getMaxTemperature()
Gets the maximum temperature in Celsius.
Specified by:
getMaxTemperature in interface TemperatureContainer
maximum temperature in Celsius for this 1-wire device
See Also:


public double getMinTemperature()
Gets the minimum temperature in Celsius.
Specified by:
getMinTemperature in interface TemperatureContainer
minimum temperature in Celsius for this 1-wire device
See Also:


public void doTemperatureConvert(byte[] state)
                          throws OneWireIOException,
Performs a temperature conversion. Use the state information to calculate the conversion time.
Specified by:
doTemperatureConvert in interface TemperatureContainer
state - byte array with device state information
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from a 1-Wire device. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'. In the case of the DS1921 Thermocron, this could also be due to a currently running mission.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter


public double getTemperature(byte[] state)
Gets the temperature value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
Specified by:
getTemperature in interface TemperatureContainer
state - byte array with device state information
temperature in Celsius from the last doTemperatureConvert()


public double getTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType,
                                  byte[] state)
Gets the specified temperature alarm value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
Specified by:
getTemperatureAlarm in interface TemperatureContainer
alarmType - valid value: ALARM_HIGH or ALARM_LOW
state - byte array with device state information
temperature alarm trip values in Celsius for this 1-wire device
See Also:
hasTemperatureAlarms(), setTemperatureAlarm(int, double, byte[])


public double getTemperatureResolution(byte[] state)
Gets the current temperature resolution in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
Specified by:
getTemperatureResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
state - byte array with device state information
temperature resolution in Celsius for this 1-wire device
See Also:
hasSelectableTemperatureResolution(), getTemperatureResolutions(), setTemperatureResolution(double, byte[])


public void setTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType,
                                double alarmValue,
                                byte[] state)
Sets the temperature alarm value in Celsius in the provided state data. Use the method writeDevice() with this data to finalize the change to the device.
Specified by:
setTemperatureAlarm in interface TemperatureContainer
alarmType - valid value: ALARM_HIGH or ALARM_LOW
alarmValue - alarm trip value in Celsius
state - byte array with device state information
See Also:
hasTemperatureAlarms(), getTemperatureAlarm(int, byte[])


public void setTemperatureResolution(double resolution,
                                     byte[] state)
                              throws OneWireException
Sets the current temperature resolution in Celsius in the provided state data. Use the method writeDevice() with this data to finalize the change to the device.
Specified by:
setTemperatureResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
resolution - temperature resolution in Celsius
state - byte array with device state information
OneWireException - if the device does not support selectable temperature resolution
See Also:
hasSelectableTemperatureResolution(), getTemperatureResolution(byte[]), getTemperatureResolutions()


public boolean hasClockAlarm()
Checks to see if the clock has an alarm feature.
Specified by:
hasClockAlarm in interface ClockContainer
true if the Real-Time clock has an alarm
See Also:
getClockAlarm(byte[]), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean canDisableClock()
Checks to see if the clock can be disabled.
Specified by:
canDisableClock in interface ClockContainer
true if the clock can be enabled and disabled
See Also:
isClockRunning(byte[]), setClockRunEnable(boolean,byte[])


public long getClockResolution()
Gets the clock resolution in milliseconds
Specified by:
getClockResolution in interface ClockContainer
the clock resolution in milliseconds


public long getClock(byte[] state)
Extracts the Real-Time clock value in milliseconds.
Specified by:
getClock in interface ClockContainer
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
the time represented in this clock in milliseconds since 1970
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), setClock(long,byte[])


public long getClockAlarm(byte[] state)
Extracts the clock alarm value for the Real-Time clock. In the case of the DS1921 Thermocron, this is the time that the next periodic alarm event will occur.
Specified by:
getClockAlarm in interface ClockContainer
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
milliseconds since 1970 that the clock alarm is set to
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean isClockAlarming(byte[] state)
Checks if the clock alarm flag has been set. This will occur when the value of the Real-Time clock equals the value of the clock alarm.
Specified by:
isClockAlarming in interface ClockContainer
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
true if the Real-Time clock is alarming
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[] state)
Checks if the clock alarm is enabled.
Specified by:
isClockAlarmEnabled in interface ClockContainer
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
true if clock alarm is enabled
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarming(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public boolean isClockRunning(byte[] state)
Checks if the device's oscillator is enabled. The clock will not increment if the clock oscillator is not enabled.
Specified by:
isClockRunning in interface ClockContainer
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
true if the clock is running
See Also:
OneWireSensor.readDevice(), canDisableClock(), setClockRunEnable(boolean,byte[])


public void setClock(long time,
                     byte[] state)
Sets the Real-Time clock. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice().
Specified by:
setClock in interface ClockContainer
time - new value for the Real-Time clock, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), getClock(byte[])


public void setClockAlarm(long time,
                          byte[] state)
                   throws OneWireException
Sets the clock alarm. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(). Also note that not all clock devices have alarms. Check to see if this device has alarms first by calling the hasClockAlarm() method.
Specified by:
setClockAlarm in interface ClockContainer
time - - new value for the Real-Time clock alarm, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
OneWireException - if this device does not have clock alarms
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[]), setClockAlarmEnable(boolean,byte[])


public void setClockRunEnable(boolean runEnable,
                              byte[] state)
Enables or disables the oscillator, turning the clock 'on' and 'off'. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(). Also note that not all clock devices can disable their oscillators. Check to see if this device can disable its oscillator first by calling the canDisableClock() method.
Specified by:
setClockRunEnable in interface ClockContainer
runEnable - true to enable the clock oscillator
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), canDisableClock(), isClockRunning(byte[])


public void setClockAlarmEnable(boolean alarmEnable,
                                byte[] state)
Enables or disables the clock alarm. The method writeDevice() must be called to finalize changes to the device. Note that multiple 'set' methods can be called before one call to writeDevice(). Also note that not all clock devices have alarms. Check to see if this device has alarms first by calling the hasClockAlarm() method.
Specified by:
setClockAlarmEnable in interface ClockContainer
alarmEnable - true to enable the clock alarm
state - current state of the device returned from readDevice()
See Also:
OneWireSensor.writeDevice(byte[]), hasClockAlarm(), isClockAlarmEnabled(byte[]), getClockAlarm(byte[]), setClockAlarm(long,byte[]), isClockAlarming(byte[])