Class ActionType

  extended byrobocraft.common.CommonEnum
      extended byrobocraft.common.ActionType

public class ActionType
extends robocraft.common.CommonEnum

An ActionType represents a robot action that may occupy a robot for multiple rounds. A robot always has a current action represented by exactly one ActionType. The IDLE ActionType represents the state in which a robot is free to initiate new actions. Otherwise a robot must wait until it is idle to use an ability that initiates an action.

The only instances of this class are those found in the static fields described below. This means that instances can always be meaningfully compared using ==.

See Also:

Field Summary
static ActionType ATTACKING
          The ActionType of an attacking robot.
static ActionType IDLE
          The ActionType of an idle robot that is free to engage in a new action.
static ActionType MOVING
          The ActionType of a moving robot.
static ActionType SPAWNING
          The ActionType of a robot in the process of spawning a new robot.
static ActionType WAKING
          The ActionType of a newly created robot that cannot perform other actions until it is "awake".
Method Summary
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a textual representation of the ActionType.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ActionType MOVING
The ActionType of a moving robot.


public static final ActionType ATTACKING
The ActionType of an attacking robot.


public static final ActionType SPAWNING
The ActionType of a robot in the process of spawning a new robot.


public static final ActionType WAKING
The ActionType of a newly created robot that cannot perform other actions until it is "awake".


public static final ActionType IDLE
The ActionType of an idle robot that is free to engage in a new action.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a textual representation of the ActionType.