Class Robot

  extended byrobocraft.player.GameObject
      extended byrobocraft.player.Robot

public class Robot
extends GameObject

reference to Robot GameObject. Typically, this will be a reference to another Robot in the world that you encounter in your travels, but you also, as you implement AbstractRobotPlayer, will have a reference to self, which be be the Robot that your RobotPlayer is controller. All of the accessor methods should succeed when called on self.

Method Summary
 boolean canAttackAir()
          Returns whether this robot will inflict damage on an AIRBORNE robot at a MapLocation that this robot attacks.
 boolean canAttackGround()
          Returns whether this robot will inflict damage on a GROUND robot at a MapLocation that this robot attacks.
 boolean canAttackSquare(MapLocation loc)
          Return whether a given location is within this robot's ATTACK range, given its current position and direction.
 boolean canMove(Direction dir)
          Returns whether this robot can move in the the specified direction, IF it were facing in that direction.
 boolean canSenseObject(GameObject obj)
          Return whether a given GameObject is within this robot's SENSOR range, given its current position and direction.
 boolean canSenseSquare(MapLocation loc)
          Return whether a given location is within this robot's SENSOR range, given its current position and direction.
 double getAttackPower()
          Returns the amount of energon this robot will drain from an enemy during an attack.
 int getBytecodesPerRound()
          Returns the number of bytecodes this robot's player can process per round.
 ActionType getCurrentAction()
          Returns current action this robot is engaged in, or ActionType.IDLE if robot is not active.
 Direction getDirection()
          Returns current direction this robot is facing.
 double getEnergonLevel()
          Returns current energon level of this robot.
 int getRoundsUntilIdle()
          Returns the number of rounds until isActive() will return false.
 boolean isActive()
          Returns whether this robot is active or not.
Methods inherited from class robocraft.player.GameObject
equals, getID, getLocation, getTeam, getType, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public double getEnergonLevel()
                       throws GameActionException
Returns current energon level of this robot.

GameActionException - if this robot doesn't exist anymore or is out of sensor range.


public boolean isActive()
                 throws GameActionException
Returns whether this robot is active or not.

GameActionException - if this robot doesn't exist anymore or is out of sensor range.


public ActionType getCurrentAction()
                            throws GameActionException
Returns current action this robot is engaged in, or ActionType.IDLE if robot is not active.

GameActionException - if this robot doesn't exist anymore or is out of sensor range.


public Direction getDirection()
                       throws GameActionException
Returns current direction this robot is facing.

GameActionException - if this robot doesn't exist anymore or is out of sensor range.


public int getRoundsUntilIdle()
                       throws GameActionException
Returns the number of rounds until isActive() will return false.

GameActionException - if this robot doesn't exist anymore or is out of sensor range.


public double getAttackPower()
Returns the amount of energon this robot will drain from an enemy during an attack.


public int getBytecodesPerRound()
Returns the number of bytecodes this robot's player can process per round.


public boolean canMove(Direction dir)
                throws GameActionException
Returns whether this robot can move in the the specified direction, IF it were facing in that direction. It does not matter which direction the robot is currently facing. Returns FALSE if you pass in OMNI or NONE.

dir - the hypothetical direction of movement
GameActionException - if this robot doesn't exist anymore or is out of sensor range


public boolean canAttackAir()
Returns whether this robot will inflict damage on an AIRBORNE robot at a MapLocation that this robot attacks. If not, AIRBORNE objects will be unaffected by attacks from this robot to their location.


public boolean canAttackGround()
Returns whether this robot will inflict damage on a GROUND robot at a MapLocation that this robot attacks. If not, GROUND objects will be unaffected by attacks from this robot to their location.


public boolean canSenseSquare(MapLocation loc)
                       throws GameActionException
Return whether a given location is within this robot's SENSOR range, given its current position and direction. i.e., this method returns whether or not an object at loc would appear in the array returned from senseNearbyObjects().

loc - the MapLocation being tested.
whether you can SENSE this square or not.
GameActionException - if this robot does not exist anymore, or if this robot is out of your sensor range.


public boolean canSenseObject(GameObject obj)
                       throws GameActionException
Return whether a given GameObject is within this robot's SENSOR range, given its current position and direction. i.e., this method returns whether or not the object would appear in the array returned from senseNearbyObjects().

obj - the GameObject to test
whether you can SENSE this object or not; false if obj does not exist or is out of your sensor range
GameActionException - if this robot does not exist anymore, or is out of your sensor range.


public boolean canAttackSquare(MapLocation loc)
                        throws GameActionException
Return whether a given location is within this robot's ATTACK range, given its current position and direction. i.e., this method returns whether a call ot attack(loc) would fail or not.

loc - the MapLocation being tested.
whether you can ATTACK this square or not.
GameActionException - if this robot does not exist anymore, or if this robot is out of your sensor range.