Guided Tour | Vector Fields | Electrostatics | Magnetostatics | Faraday's Law | Light | Course Notes | Resources
MIT Physics 8.02 - Electricity & Magnetism


This is the classic TEALsim site; the new (2025) site is at

How to use this Site:

Individual Visualizations:

The Physics 8.02 Website and CD are divided into seven sections: Vector Fields, Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, Faraday's Law, Light, Course Notes, and Resources. Each of the first five sections contain visualizations appropriate to the section topic, with brief text explanations for each. The Course Notes section contains the course notes used in the Physics 8.02 (Electricity and Magnetism) course at MIT, organized by topic, and with links to associated visualizations (click on the images marked as "Animations" to open the visualization). The Resources section contains some papers and background information on the concepts and mathematics used in creating these visualizations, as well as papers describing some of the assessment we have done on teaching in the TEAL format.

The sections can be reached through the links at the top and bottom of any page, or from the main index page. Clicking the MIT logo in the upper right of each page will take you back to the main index.

Shockwave simulations will require the Macromedia Shockwave Plugin installed on your browser. If you don't already have the plugin installed, it will be installed automatically when you try to view a Shockwave file, provided you are connected to the internet.

The Java simulations can only be run if you are connected to the internet. They will not run under OS X.

The online version of this material is available at

Guided Tour:

In addition, the Guided Tour gives a more detailed walkthrough of the topics illustrated in this site, with a more robust description of the physics associated with each section, and links to the visualizations as appropriate. The Guided Tour page is also available in PDF format (without links) for easy printing. For an even more in-depth exposition of the material, see the Course Notes section.