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MIT Physics 8.02 - Electricity & Magnetism


TEAL Resources and Supporting Papers:


Studio Physics at MIT,
John Belcher

            A paper (.pdf format) describing the TEAL project.

Effect of Visualizations and Active Learning on Students' Understanding of Electromagnetism Concepts
Yehudit Judy Dori and John Belcher.       

Technology for Active Learning
Yehudit Judy Dori, John Belcher, Mark Bessete, Michael Danziger, Andrew McKinney, and Erin Hult

Field Line Motion in Classical Electromagnetism
John Belcher and Stanislaw Olbert

            A paper (.pdf format) on field line motion with supporting animations (4 .avi files, zipped).


Dynamic Line Integral Convolution for Visualizing Streamline Evolution,
Andreas Sundquist

            A paper (.pdf format) describing the DLIC method with supporting animations (4 .avi files, zipped).

Mathematics of the Falling Magnet
John Belcher

            A paper (.pdf format) describing the mathematics used to calculate the fields from a magnet falling through a conducting ring.