8.592 - HST.452J (Spring
Statistical Physics
in Biology
Lecture 18
- Molecular motors:
- General scheme of motor transport:
- Asymmetry for directionality
- Rectification of fluctuations by consumption of energy
- Motion in a noisy environment
- Feynman's ratchet and pawl: (youtube)
(R. Di Leonardo, et al PNAS 2010)
- Simulation of
a (flashing ratchet) Brownian motor (flashing ratchet video) (Brownian Ratchet)
- From the web-page
of George Oster:
- "Ratchets, power strokes, and molecular motors," H.
Wang & G. Oster, Appl. Phys. A 75, 315
- "The physics of molecular motors," C.
Bustamante, D. Keller, & G. Oster, Acc. Chem. Res. 34,
412, (2001),
- Asymmetric hopping models:
(Lecture notes)
Some related links
- Kinesin Home Page
- Kinesin Motors
- the Movies
- Vale lab movies
(e.g. MT gliding)
- The inner life of a cell
- Capturing and viewing single molecules:
- "Ratchets, power strokes, and molecular motors," H.
Wang & G. Oster, Appl. Phys. A 75, 315
- "The physics of molecular motors," C.
Bustamante, D. Keller, & G. Oster, Acc. Chem. Res. 34,
412, (2001),
Cell Motion
- Brownian
- Crawling cells
- Swimming cells:
- Life
at Low Reynolds Number (E.M. Purcell) (offline)
- The scallop theorem: impossibility of reciprocal motion
- Flagellar rotary motion (efficiency)
- Chemotaxis by runs and tumbles- why?
Some related links
8.592 lecture- last
update 11/6/2024 by M. Kardar