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8.882 :: LHC Physics: Experimental Methods and Measurements


Welcome to the 8.882 course, LHC Physics: Experimental Methods and Measurements. This Web site represents the minimal set of information to describe the course. The working Web site which we will use throughout the course will be TWiki based and will allow all members of the course to contribute to it directly.

To perfrom the course projects it is also necessary that every course member becomes access to our computing cluster. On the cluster you will have access to the complex software frameworks of the CDF and CMS experiments and some custom examples for the projects and most importantly you will have access to the data which are to be analyzed.

Please apply for accounts on the computing cluster and the course TWiki by filling the account application form here. Please fill in carefully, in particular:

  • Group Leader = Christoph Paus
  • Comment = Participate in MIT Course 8.882 in Spring 2009
The accounts will be closed once the course is over so please make sure to keep a copy of anything you would like to keep for yourself. The account closure will be communicated to you with some advance.

Acces to TWiki here